Dinner at the Varsity Mall

New Glasses Pick Up

For the last year or so, Irfan was walking around with a pair of badly scratched glasses. Finally we had some money to blow on a new pair for him. We had decided to come to the neighbouring public university in the neighbouring state because I once spotted an optician’s […]

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I still have no idea what I'm doing

The Second UUM Incursion

I love tabletop games. I have started to incorporate more tabletop games into my teaching and learning. Suddenly, my friend Shanizan invited me to be a jury member for the Sintok International Games and Gamification Challenge 2017 at UUM. This was nothing less than a great opportunity to be part […]

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Dramatis Personae

The First UUM Incursion

Last month, all of the sudden, I was tasked with writing a script for a short play for an English Language Carnival to be held at UUM. Not just that, but I had to coach the actors, who were all students of our business school. The theme was “peace”. So […]

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