It’s Still The Milage – A Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Review

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull shows that Henry Jones, Junior has been busy for the last 19 years as it’s now 1957. Has it been almost 20 years since Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade? Man, I feel old. Apart from giving a straight review, this movie requires a bit of dissecting and we shall now dissect in SPOILER territory. SPOILERS! Avert your eyes, like this Russian chap below! Indy’s helping him avert his eyes, even. [[image:indy01.jpg:This seems to be an unfinished FX shot :center:0]] Indiana Jones is George Lucas and Steven Spielberg’s love for pulp movie serials of the 30s redone using modern filmmaking techniques. However with the fourth installation of the series, our intrepid hero, now about the same age as him father as played by Sean Connery in The Last Crusade, has entered the B movie era of the 1950s as we will […]

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