Thirty Four Weeks

OK, I know I usually do an update on the belly progress every four weeks, but now in the last few weeks of the third trimester, it seems like it’s growing exponentially. I think my belly is growing on a daily basis! Check it out! [[image:34week1.jpg:Lookit how big I am!:center:0]] [[image:34week2.jpg:Seriously!:center:0]] The thing is, in the last 3 weeks I only gained 2 1/2 lbs! But it sure feels like I grew much bigger. How about some more thoughts on pregnancy: 1) Remember the large pot-bellied men question I had from the Halfway Mark? Now a follow up question: What fills it to make it so big? I mean, right now I’m filled to the brim with baby+amniotic sac+amniotic fluid and all kinds of stuff so I swish when I move around. What about the large pot-bellied men? What’s in there? How does it feel? Does it swish? 2) I […]

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