Clones in vacuum

The Orbital Debris Field Manhunt

Clone Wars Episode 2 Obviously last week had merely been the gaming group’s test run using a stand alone scenario in a single session. This week, the GM brought out the big guns. Literally. The Republic fleet has been under attack by a colossal capital ship, known as the Malevolence. Which is why this scenario was titled “Rising Malevolence”. Incidentally the Malevolence is a 7.9 km-long Subjugator-class heavy cruiser, which means the first ship of the line, the Subjugator, was still floating about somewhere in the galaxy. Great job by the GM, cause this gives the rest of us another ship to play with in our own campaigns. There were seven players around the table. And the GM split them up into two groups. The first group’s PCs consisted of the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, his Togruta padawan Ahsoka Tano and the trusty astromech droid Artoo-Detoo. The second group played […]

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