Strrikeforce Enteague

SWD6: The Rogue Lieutenant

Strikeforce Enteague Episode 05 The Rogue Lieutenant After their previous adventure to the “illusory” planet of Zarligrenor, the strikeforce decided to take a week off at the Ginuvar system located also in the Enteague Sector. Moonlighting at Ginuvar Ginuvar was a patchwork of territories belonging to galactic and local corporations such as Industrial Automaton, SoroSuub, BlasTech, Neurosaav and Koensayr. Ginuvar’s seas were a broth of toxic compounds and most of her land were a plethora of factory complexes, power generation stations, arcologies and atmosphere scrubbers. The Nexus Point however landed in the planetary capital of Porzohal, a city built in the Green Zone, the only territory on Ginuvar still with a green and natural ecosystem, jungles and grasslands and all in the planet’s equatorial zone. Phoenix Avalon and Jon Dean thought that they should let their bounty hunting team-mates Shanna Toarinar and Ace Browning Crossfire take the lead and get […]

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