83 Months

83 months of Yaya!

Happy girl at the beach at night

Happy girl at the beach at night

This entry is written two months late so I will keep it short. June was a busy month with work travels for me. We didn’t take that many photos of the kids this month (oops!) but here’s a quick summary.

Food status: I don’t believe Yaya tried anything new in June.

Reading status: Yaya is doing really well! Starting to read some cursive text. Handwriting improving. Two thumbs up for her glasses.

New thing: Yaya started piano lessons in June! Wheee! Adik too but we’ll get to that in his own entry. Yaya is doing pretty well for a beginner. Go Yaya!

Let’s see the photos taken in June! We were in the greater Fort Lauderdale, Florida area for work and in the pond outside my office lived a gator, turtles, fish, birds and numerous critters. On my last day there, I showed the kids the pond and its inhabitants.

Peering into the pond

Peering into the pond

The gator and some turtles and lily pads is what they saw

The gator and some turtles and lily pads is what they saw

Of course, Yaya lost her first tooth. Here is another photo of Yaya:

Empty slot bottom incisor although you can see 2 permanent teeth already growing behind the baby incisors

Empty slot bottom incisor although you can see 2 permanent teeth already growing behind the baby incisors

Some photos of Yaya and Adik doing stuff together:

Yaya and Adik at home

Yaya and Adik at home

Looking through the first draft of Adik's baby book

Looking through the first draft of Adik’s baby book

In the car dropping me off at the airport

In the car dropping me off at the airport

Yaya makes a calendar for her activities:

Monday is painting day

Monday is painting day

Yaya and Monday

Yaya and Monday

Finally a few solo shots to close out.

iPad time at the hotel

iPad time at the hotel

Yaya on Sandy the horse

Yaya on Sandy the horse

My baby girl

My baby girl

Happy 83-month birthday, baby girl! We love you!!!

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