The one with more birthday cakes

Finally, on August 1, we had what is becoming our annual backyard cookout and Allie birthday bash right here at home. We timed it so like last year, Vin’s baseball team played at the local high school so they were able to come and eat and hang out for a while. Our wonderful neighbors and some friends also came to liven up the party. Unfortunately, Yaya’s Auntie Jo had to go back home to Leeds. But we had a wonderful time with Auntie Jo and miss her terribly!

[[image:allie756a.jpg:Let them eat yet another cake!:center:0]] 

* Mouse over the pictures for captions

Vin rushed back from his game and fired up the coals. In the meantime the guests have arrived and Allie mingles:

[[image:allie754a.jpg:Talking baseball:center:0]]  

[[image:allie755a.jpg:Allie mingles like a good host:center:0]]  

Then it was time for cake! Again!

[[image:allie757a.jpg:Smiling while everyone sings Happy Birthday:center:0]] 

[[image:allie758a.jpg:Yaya blows out the candle!:center:0]] 

[[image:allie759a.jpg:And proceeds to play with her cake:center:0]] 

Like last year, we opted for Graeter’s ice cream cakes given that it is summer and who doesn’t like ice cream cake, especially from Graeter’s? Well, I guess not Yaya. She, again, did not have one single bite of her cake. She did feed Elmo and some of her new toys the cake though. Regardless, she totally had fun and loves to tell the story of how she blew out the candles for her birthday cake in the garage. 🙂

Allie then decided to put on one of her presents (new pajamas) and since the food was cooked and eaten and many of the guests had left, we moved the party inside:

[[image:allie760a.jpg:Putting on her new jammies:center:0]] 

[[image:allie761a.jpg:Paul reads Allie a story:center:0]]  

[[image:allie762a.jpg:It’s Papa’s turn to wear the tiara:center:0]]  

[[image:allie763a.jpg:Wearing a new hibiscus barrette:center:0]]  

It was yet another fun day for us! Thanks everyone for taking the time to come by, wish the girl a happy birthday, and give her even more presents! She’s had a really good haul this year! Also thanks to Courtney for driving here all the way from Cleveland, and for taking quite a few of these pictures. Unfortunately I was not on the ball enough to get one of Courtney and the birthday girl… Next time! (Ha!) And to close, here’s a happy “smiling” Allie. I can’t believe she’s two already!


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