Once upon a time, before the onset of the plague years, I ran a Laundry RPG campaign at work. You can read about it here.
Since then, one of my players Dr. Noriha has been writing research papers about using games in language learning. She has been using our campaign notes!
Along with Dr. Ina, I am also the co-author of a chapter in book entitled “Naratif Dalam ‘Gamifikasi Permainan Penglipur Lara’: Menjana Pemikiran Kreatif Dalam Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran“. Translation: “Narratives in Tabletop Role-playing Games: Generating Creativity in Teaching and Learning.”
The title of the book is Wacana Ilmu dan Kemanusiaan (Knowledge & Humanity Discourse).
First of all, I am grateful for the writing team for involving my activity in their research. This tracks with my own research of employing RPGs to improve speaking skills.
Secondly, I will be pushing using “Permainan Penglipur Lara” as an official translation of “Tabletop Role-playing Games”. Which I think is pretty cool.
If you want a look at it, the book is available at shopee.my.