Terror of Yolanda is a 10-page comic written by Angelia Ong for the Haiyan Benefit Anthology comic, which I pencilled and inked.
Here is a look at the process of getting page 7 together.
First I set the page size by pixel, lay the page out on GIMP from Angelia’s script, and then pencil it with MyPaint.
I digitally ink it on another layer with MyPaint and save the the final inks as a high resolution lossless format to be sent to the colourist.
Then Ryan Rhodes coloured it and Chris Johnson lettered it.
Voila. Page 7!
Ryan was the colourist of pages 6-10. Pages 1-5 was coloured by Lancelot Catan. The book is in the last stages of being put together by Phil Woodward to be released for the public soon. Watch for more posts on the Haiyan Benefit Anthology soon.