A Strange Place To Lie Down and Rest

On the way back from the Sungai Merab area, where the PLUS highway intersects with the ELITE highway right by the exit to Universiti Putra Malaysia, the traffic slowed down considerably. This was strange because I’ve never experienced a traffic jam of this magnitude before at this particular location.

Which leads me to believe something’s up front.

[[image:toppledtruck00.jpg:Highway blues:center:0]]

The road curves downward before climbing back up, and I lost sight of the road before me.


Then finally, TA-DAAHH!

[[image:toppledtruck02.jpg:On its side:center:0]]

But don’t worry. The drivers were fine although they looked a bit dazed crouching on the far side of the wreck, waiting for assistance to arrive.

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Khairul Hisham J. is a tabletop RPG artist, writer, proofreader, translator, teacher, grad student and learner-in-general.

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