And so it came to pass I was invited to participate in a project for a team of researchers at the university. My role there was to translate and edit the document they wrote from the research they made.
Day One
On the first day, we went off the PLUS Highway and took the old Federal road from Gurun all the way to Butterworth, then swung about to take the Penang bridge towards George Town. But before we went to the town, we had brunch at the nasi kandar cafe at USM. Ain thought that USM could be a great place for Irfan to further his studies. Later. Maybe. InshaaAllah.
After some photos taken at the university, we headed downtown to Cititel Hotel where we checked in. Later that day I started my translation work with the research team.
Translation Project Day 1
Day Two
On the second day, we had quite a big breakfast. This hotel has a plethora of dishes for diners in the morning. After lunch, we went for a stroll in the neighbourhood of the hotel and found a museum. We did not have time to have a closer look, sadly. It was the 22nd, so when the research team discovered that it was Ain’s birthday we held a small birthday celebration for her. After work, we explored more of the George Town streets at night. Most of the shops were closed. Even the nasi lemak vendor by the hotel was sold out. So we some nasi ayam sempoi at a stall beside the police headquarters building.
Translation Project Day 2
Day Three
On the final day, before we packed up Ain and I explored the streets that were empty the previous night, and was now full of people. Also , I found that Chang was also visiting Pulau Pinang on a work excursion. We had coffee at a street cafe talking about gaming and other stuff. Soon it was time to head back.
Translation Project Day 3
Although I was not involved in the research part of the project, I could see what the output of the research was. This new experience would perhaps help me in future academic exploits. Much gratitude for the team in including me in their project.