Allie’s 20 Month Birthday

It happened! On March 22nd (last Monday) Allie became a 20-month-old! We have no idea where the time went and suddenly she’s such a lively and independent little thing! She had a terrific day, even though Mama had to work. Papa manned the camera and took a ton of pictures. Here she is, smiling with her mouth full of blueberry & oatmeal breakfast:

[[image:allie543a.jpg:Good morning!:center:0]]

* Mouse over the pictures for captions

Luckily March has been much tamer weather-wise. Allie has gotten to go outside and play more, and take walks. It’s really been fun. I know I promised you pictures of the crazy snow, and one day I’ll get around to it. Another month of awesome developments. Allie can go up and down the stage steps completely upright (she had been crawling up and down the steps prior to this), and she is climbing on furniture. The sofa and hassock at the hotel is easy for her to get up on. She’s still working on the furniture at home. Vin and I must have chosen higher chairs since she still needs a bit of a boost to get on the sofa at home. She loves to play ball, and has an unhealthy obsession with the broom (a little girl after Yong’s own heart?). Although she still is a messy tornado! She is now regularly napping in her crib upstairs during the day, freeing both Vin and me. It’s really amazing what we can get done in the 60-90 minutes that she sleeps. She’s switched to a one-nap schedule, and goes to bed earlier and wakes up later to make up for the elimination of the second nap. While we’re in New Jersey, she does take two naps since she tends to stay up later and have to wake up earlier to send me to work on time. She has a grand total of six teeth and enjoys eating spring rolls (popia goreng), karipap, and all kinds of other savory goodies. She has added different animals and objects to her repertoire of noises and she seems to be able to pick up any tune and sing along. She has been singing and dancing along with many of her favorite TV shows (Phineas and Ferb, Handy Manny, Little Einsteins, Imagination Movers, etc.) and of course her favorite CDs. Her comprehension of our words increases every single day and we’re trying to mix in Malay and Spanish into our speech so she has it in her ear young. Every night, when we say “it’s bedtime, let’s go to bed”, she tromps over to the stairs where she then waves to Lily and says “Night-night neow-neow”. It’s ridiculously cute. She loves Lorna’s ah-choo game and now when she has a real sneeze, she will say “ah-tchoom” after that and crack herself up. So much merriment and activity going on. She’s definitely come a long way!

Anyway, enough chatter. On to the pictures of how Allie spent her birthday:

[[image:allie536a.jpg:got milk?:center:0]]



Here’s a view of the contents of Allie’s playpen:

[[image:allie539a.jpg:The bat will come back into play later:center:0]]

She continues her morning:

[[image:allie540a.jpg:Hug Kitkat Part 1:center:0]]

[[image:allie541a.jpg:Hi Papa:center:0]]

[[image:allie542a.jpg:Three singing pigs say La la la!:center:0]]

After a breakfast of blueberry-oatmeal-milk mush, a bunch of milk, and toasted and buttered cinnamon raisin english muffins, she gets a change of clothing and is ready for the rest of the day.

[[image:allie544a.jpg:Pet Kitkat Part 2:center:0]]

[[image:allie545a.jpg:Loooove Kitkat:center:0]]

[[image:allie546a.jpg:Safe haven:center:0]]

Lily had to hide in the dryer to get away from Allie’s loving ministrations. There are times when the girl’s affection for Lily reminds me a little of Elmyra. 🙂

She stops to refuel before going on:

[[image:allie547a.jpg:Mmmm, milk:center:0]]

[[image:allie548a.jpg:Papa take your sock off!:center:0]]

[[image:allie549a.jpg:Are we going outside?:center:0]]

[[image:allie550a.jpg:Let’s go already!:center:0]]

Papa takes Allie to run some errands (grocery store, etc.) and she takes her nap in the car. Driving around lulled her. She then comes back in re-energized for more cat-hunting.

[[image:allie551a.jpg:Hug Kitkat Part 3:center:0]]

[[image:allie552a.jpg:Pet Kitkat:center:0]]

[[image:allie553a.jpg:Papa, it’s Kitkat!:center:0]]

[[image:allie554a.jpg:Plotting her next step, watch out Lily!:center:0]]

She decides to make the Kitkat come to her by closing herself into the office. Her tactic works. The cat comes like a moth to a flame.

[[image:allie555a.jpg:Hi Kitkat Part 4:center:0]]

[[image:allie556a.jpg:Come out, Yaya!:center:0]]

Now it’s time to play! It’s after 5 so Mama gets to come and play too. Well, Mama gets to take pictures at least.

[[image:allie557a.jpg:Building towers:center:0]]

[[image:allie558a.jpg:Broom and bat:center:0]]

[[image:allie559a.jpg:Play ball! And she gets a hit!:center:0]]

[[image:allie560a.jpg:Running to first base:center:0]]

[[image:allie561a.jpg:Gleefully fielding a ball:center:0]]

[[image:allie562a.jpg:En garde, Papa!:center:0]]

After another fun day, Allie eats her dinner and then it is bath and bedtime for little girls. Thanks for another wonderful month and wonderful day. Happy 20-month birthday baby! We love you so much!

And to close, Allie plays the drums and marches off to bed:

[[image:allie563a.jpg:Bang the drum slowly:center:0]]

See y’alls next month!

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