Sages of RPG Game Art

Here are some recent commissions from Sages of RPG in New Hampshire. These are some artwork for their upcoming (and yet-unnamed) game. Stay tuned for more details of this “bright colored happy silly game without being corny,” according to game developer Wayne Moulton Jr. [[image:sorpg-monkey.jpg::center:0]] [[image:sorpg-crowd.jpg::center:0]] [[image:sorpg-barrel-organ.jpg::center:0]]

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But not in red

A Banner Image

This is some incredulous Hulk, who is said to be gamma-irradiated. Which sounds unhealthy. This was a warm-up sketch using a new brush I recently got with ink. Something is still not right with how I wield the brush. I suppose more practice is needed. Update (May 13, 2011): I’ve […]

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A Background Element

[[image:crater-element-bg.jpg:funeral service:center:0]] I am working on an ebook cover. The plan is to create separate water colour elements and digitally bring them together for the final artwork. The above is the background element for the piece. Stay tuned for the final artwork and the link to the ebook.

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Shrave Archer

Azamar – Template Art Part One

Over the last couple of weeks I was working on and are now finished with the character template artwork for Wicked North Games’ Azamar RPG. The playable races of Azamar are numerous: Human, Urbane, Tre’uoall, Wyvine, Immyr, Enfri and Shrave. Here are four playable character templates, right here in this […]

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Darth Adama

Darth Bill Adama?

A weird moment for Admiral William Adama of the Battlestar Galactica (complete with ominous shadow outline) when he suddenly spouts lines from The Empire Strikes Back at his son Lee. What does he say, and how does Lee reply? Click here to find out and to view a larger version […]

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Azamar Deities Part Two

More powerful beings – reality-changing and inter-dimensional – that has made their mark on the world of Azamar. Mo is the deity of laughter, change, and trickery, and manifests in the form of a jester with a dazzling outfit of ever-changing colours – though he rarely ever manifests. Nooks and […]

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Azamar Deities Part One

The Ash Lord, also known as the Eater of Souls, sends dark beings who manifest as Humans, who make deals to grant the wishes of others, who soon bargain to relinquish their souls in trade for these deals. Shilutozenon is the deity of nature and of the natural order and […]

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Azamar Sea View

Azamar – A View of the Sea

Here’s a damage seagoing vessel – anchored off an Azamar coast – undergoing repairs at dawn. What happened to it? What was it carrying? Who or what shot at it? Were there survivors? What repercussions would there be for characters that relied on this ship for transport or defence? What […]

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Azamar Melee WIP04

Azamar – Melee Skirmish

Here’s a quarter page interior illustration for Wicked North Games of a Tre’uoall ranger versus an Orc warrior fighting on a hill slope and drawing blood… which should be in black and white in the final Azamar RPG core rule book. Additionally, I will also show you step-by-step how I […]

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Kurt Wagner

Classic Kurt

Here’s a quick sketch of Kurt, a former pupil of Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, in his classic costume, and draped in shadows as usual. I believe the red in his costume is a manifestation of his subconscious desire to stand out among the shadows, even as a youngster mobs […]

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There's a platybelodon in here. I should say hi or something

Irfan Goes To Petrosains

We all went for a trip to Petrosains Discovery Centre located at the fourth level of Suria KLCC today for the first time. It was quite an informative and entertaining jaunt with a lot of interactive scientific experiments that children can participate in. There was even a Science Show where […]

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This is Mangog. Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, Mangog is a classic Thor villain and the sum of the hatred of a billion billion dead beings. Also, I love his name: MANGOG! Click here to view or download a larger image of Mangog!

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