The title font is Faktos

Some Sort of Translation Workshop

Then it came to pass that I have to present a talk at the department’s inaugural Basic Translation Workshop. Public speaking is not something that comes to me easily. Despite all the training afforded to be by over 25 years of gamemastering, it still affects me negatively as I was […]

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View from the Peanut Gallery

Mini Six: Shadows Through The Mist

I have always stated that tabletop role-playing games (RPGs) can be amazing teaching tools, not only for language purposes but to develop critical thinking skills, social skills and general knowledge. Yesterday, I finally ran a game in an English for General Purposes class to see the students could be engaged […]

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Before the storm

At The End of the First Week

And now the first week of teaching is over. What do I have to report? The students are well-behaved (so far) and are very disciplined, most wearing their dark engineering jacket uniforms. They adhere to procedure quite well to, even if registering for classes seemed to be a haphazard affair. […]

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Pitter patter of... something

And Then You Teach

When you were a child, you always imagined – no, been compelled to believe – that life is a series of consequent acts that scales up as you experience it. You would expect pieces of your future would fall into place like a linear jigsaw puzzle that solves itself as […]

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Team photo

What? A Nasyid?

Way, way out from the left field comes a blog post about nasyid. I was assigned to sing in the department’s nasyid group for an interdepartmental nasyid competition despite not having to sing in public since 1987. Here is a screen capture of a video of our singing, which is […]

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