Issue 89 is here

TeeKay-421 Comp Copy

Today I received a pair of complementary copies of a magazine. Issue 89 of Teekay-421, the official Belgian Star Wars fan club magazine, sports my cover art of Sabine Wren rolling some dice in front of a faux-Edge of the Empire gamemaster screen! The magazine itself is fully printed in […]

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A bunch of awesome digest-sized books!

A Package from DwD Studios

Copies of roleplaying game books arrived today from DwD Studios, sent by Bill Logan! As has been documented on the blog before, I’ve played BareBones Fantasy with Irfan the first time here, then during International TableTop Day here and finally here when he experienced his first player character (PC) death. […]

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Westward cover and dice

Westward Comp Copy!

A package arrived the other day… … from Brett Pisinski of Wicked North Games. It be the complimentary copy of Westward RPG! Westward is a game of steampunk western game setting  on an human-colonized extrasolar planet after the colony ship Chrysalis drifted for decades and came to rest here. Using […]

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Fresh off its envelope

Comp Copy Number 1

The complimentary copy came in the mail today, the first RPG book in which I had a hand in creating: Future Player’s Companion published by The Game Mechanics and Green Ronin Publishing. Thanks to Gary again for recommending me for this gig and everyone at TGM (Stan!, Marc and JD) […]

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