25 Random Songs

Gary writes on Facebook: This is another one of those Facebook memes. You turn your music player to random and write down the first 25 songs it spits out. I’m not a big tagger, but if you want to do it, go for it. [[popup:amarok-feb2009.jpg:(thumbnail):AmaroK!:right:1]]Okay, Gary. I will go for […]

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Pictures of Lily

[[image:lily06.jpg:Lily in the fruit bowl:center:0]] Pictures of Lily By The Who: I used to wake up in the morningI used to feel so badI got so sick of having sleepless nightsI went and told my dad He said, ‘Son now here’s some little something’And stuck them on my wallAnd now […]

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Finally! Transformers: The Score!

One of the things that I looked for immediately after watching Transformers was the soundtrack CD. I was disappointed that there was only Transformers: The Album released which had, you know – a bunch of songs. The Linkin Park song What I’ve Done wasn’t too bad. So were the songs […]

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Hari Merdeka ke-50

Kami yang merantau jauh mengingatimu di hari kemerdekaan yang ke lima puluh. Lima puluh tahun kami rakyat Malaysia tidak perlu tunduk kepada penjajah. Lima puluh tahun, Merdeka! Walau jauh di mata, namun tidak di hati. Selamat Hari Merdeka, Malaysia! [[image:malaysia_flag.gif:Flag image obtained from google image:center:0]] *chewah – boleh tahan tak? […]

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Can Anyone Guess This Tune?

[[popup:aota.jpg:(thumbnail):I hope I remember the music theory:left:1]]So my keyboard, an old Yamaha PSR-300, has been out of commission for a while since the power adapter died a glorious death. Then, there was a movie score tune that has been playing incessantly in my mind, so I decided to write it […]

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Fantastic Four: Meme Redux

Another meme arrives and since my fellow bloggenstein who happens to also be my sister has tagged me… Wait, are there any rules about tagging your fellow blogmate based in the same weblogsite? No matter. I shall give this meme a whatfor like it’s never been given a whatfor before. […]

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Galactica & Pegasus Standoff (anyone with the full instruments willing to give this a shot?)

Straight From The Bear’s Mouth

Bear McCreary has become my favourite composer for soundtracks. I love what he did throughout Battlestar Galactica. The music isn’t a traditional symphonic orchestral score, although it is in some places. I can’t quite categorize listening to the score as a whole. It has string quartet, Japanese tako drums, Armenian […]

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