Combat & Movement

Star Wars RPG D6 GM Screen

Here’s something I’ve been working on for the last year or so, created over long periods of nothingness punctuated by brief periods of activity. My very own design for a full-colour Star Wars RPG Gamemaster’s Screen in D6 rules – using Inkscape. There are three pages of inserts, each US Letter sized. They work great with the Savage Worlds Customizable GM Screen. The first are tables for combat (injury, scaling, damage, healing, etc.), movements (manoeuvre modifiers, character & vehicle) and astrogation mishaps. The second are tables for Force Powers with modifier tables, and charts for weapons and gear. The last insert are nothing but stock NPCs to be used in a Rebellion-era campaign. That is, no Jedi and clone. Only Imps, fringer-types, droids (some from the Clone Wars which might have survived to the Rebellion era), and creatures that can kill you. I wish there was space for more stuff […]

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