Bonus: Blasters for the player side screen

This Is What A DL-18 Blaster Look Like

So the other day I made three pages of rules and stats for a SWRPG GM screen. Those face inward, to the gamemaster who has to refer to rules and tables and some stats at a moment’s notice during a game session. What about the other side? you may ask. What do the players see? So people print out photos and artwork of scenes of whatever game they use. There are hundreds of official and fan artwork of Star Wars in the internet wilds. If you download the Pirates of the Spanish Main GM screen inserts for Savage Worlds, they also come with inserts for the player side with artwork and map. Here’s one insert I’ve made for SWRPG on the player side: A blaster visual reference guide. No longer do you need to tell other players, “I have that blaster pistol that Han uses to shoot at the sarlacc […]

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