Rafe’s 13 Month Birthday

Another month, another very late blog entry! Again, we give thanks to the gods of backdated entries (whee!). [[image:2013_0129_rafe27.jpg:Drooly cutie pie:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions This month, Adik went from walking a few steps in a row to a pretty consistent walker. He walks all over the house and can easily go from the living room to the office without falling over or resorting to crawling. However, when there is a need for speed, he does go down on all fours to zoom away. He is so funny when he walks though – that toddler walk, hands up in the air for balance and kind of a pirate-like rolling gait. Utterly adorable! Last seen in this house when Yaya was toddling around. Despite its cuteness, it gets the job done. Adik has now found his feet and has gotten fairly confident on them. This means we are […]

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