Night's Black Agents book cover

Night’s Black Agents: The Little Prince Job

Maulidurrasul, a national holiday, fell on a Thursday, and the GOKL guys invited me to play the new GUMSHOE system RPG Night’s Black Agents. The venue was at Doug’s new place which was not 3 klicks way from me along a straight road. I was happy to join them. Night’s Black Agents allow players to roleplay spies in a contemporary setting… where vampires exist in the shadows, and some of them call the shots. The group consisted of Shiina “Misha” Mikado the Japanese grifter and heavy hitter, Jacob Novazembla the Dutch hacker, Sami Härkönen the Finnish grunt and me, Zlatan Kljujic the Bosnian driver. We had been called to the Stafford London, a hotel at Saint James’s Place, which was across the way from Buckingham Palace by Air Marshal Morgan Prince of the British Ministry of Defence. Air Marshal Prince had foolishly allowed his son, Errol Kimberly Prince, to have […]

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