54 Months

And so Yaya is officially four and a half! 54 months! Where did all the time go? My little baby isn’t so little anymore! [[image:2013-yaya54month-13.jpg:Happy girl:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions Happy New Year! I think I forgot to wish everyone that earlier. 🙂 So, at four and a half, Yaya still has not expanded her palate. We had some small successes (very sad). Suffice it to say, in order to get a new toy, she actually sipped a little soda (I won’t even say what kind because it is shocking I tell you, shocking!). And we not only let her try it, we encouraged it. She had three sips of it to qualify for her toy, and off she went. Also, she licked an orange lollipop. For a new game, of course. So the new things that she tried this month was soda and orange flavored lollipop. […]

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