A Clean Prized Object

Illustration Friday: Clean

A visual study of the juxtaposition of a gigantic, filthy garbage monster with a sparkling clean jewelled goblet upon its hand, its most prized possession. For some reason, it is the one thing in its collection which it keeps spotlessly clean. Woohoo! I get to use the word “juxtaposition” once […]

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Hishgraphics H

More Tales of Connectivity

I’ve been chatting online for more almost four years. I’ve chatted with acquaintances that have now become really good friends (although I’ve never met most any of them, and you know who you are, ya maggots), and I’m also in IM contact with some of my old schoolmates, but I […]

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Hishgraphics H

Great Expectations

I leant of a very heartwarming news yesterday when I was having lunch with Tern Lik (or Tem Lik as his business card erroneously states, heh). Irfan’s Uncle Teik Sing and Aunt Michelle are expecting a baby! Michelle’s been pregnant 8 weeks. I can’t believe Teik Sing and I played […]

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Optimus Prime is Optimus Prime Once Again

So here’s what Moriarty from Ain’t It Cool News has to report from ComicCon: ComicCon News!! TRANSFORMERS Announcement! The Voice Of Optimus Prime Is… [[image:prime.jpg:”MEGATRONNNNN!!!!”:center:0]] … Peter Cullen. Yep. You can all relax. Paramount made it official a few moments ago during their presentation panel, and by all accounts, there […]

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Summer Vacation on Zeltros

Summer Vacation On Zeltros

SWAG’s Theme Art Contest for this month is in the bag, with two points in mind: 1. Terras’ title suggestion, which is My First Summer Vacation on the Planet Zeltros. 2. Darren’s suggestion of using Team: Sabredart imagery once again. Click on the thumbnail for a full-sized pop-up. The Team […]

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Ruminations of Superman Returns

[[image:supes00.jpg:Superman Returns:center:0]]I went in to watch Superman Returns with high expectations and I got what I deserved, I guess. It was quite a decent movie, but it isn’t as epic as i thought it would be. First the non-spoilerific thoughts: [[image:supes02.jpg:Transorbital Rescue:left:0]]The stills I saw prior to seeing this movie […]

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A false colour filtered image of me

Job Done – Heading Home

I forgot to mention in the previous post that Sam and I spent the night at Ambhara hotel. It was quite a comfortable place to stay, with a shopping mall (whose name escapes me for now) right across the street from it. For some reason we were too lethargic when […]

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Crossed arms

Meanwhile In Indonesia

Greetings from Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. Arrived this morning, I’ll be here until tomorrow for a presentation concerning work and work-related work stuff. The good news is I got some pictures. The bad news is that the pictures were only taken when we reached our hotel room. Here’s the […]

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Beast Wars – A Series Review

[[image:bwars01.jpg:Rattrap,Optimus Primal, Rhinox and Cheetor… no-prize for guessing who’s who:left:0]]It was just past the mid-90s. X-Files was at its prime on TV and there was news of a brand new CGI Transformers series that will be airing on TV. Being an 80s child, the original Transformers series was one of […]

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Irfan with Bonnie Hunt, Paul Newman, Tony Shalhoub and George Carlin

Today The Light Switch…

… Tomorrow the world!!! Earlier today Irfan realised that he has a new super power: the ability to reach any high switch on the wall with his hands (albeit on tippy toes). So all morning he’s been all over the house flipping switches. Lights. Fan. Forcefields. Directed-energy weapons. Life support […]

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Kramer vs Kramer

Star Wars: Kramer vs Kramer

For Round Three of the SWAG Member Theme Art Contest (Link dead), everyone was given the theme of It’s A Trap!… except me who has the task of coming up with Star Wars: Kramer vs Kramer, no thanks to my big mouth the previous month. So, here it is without […]

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Hishgraphics H

Blog Upgraded

This is the first entry using the new version of the content management system Pivot 1.30 RC2, as opposed to the pre-upgraded 1.24 version of old. So I might as well say something meaningful. I can’t think of anything at almost 1 am. So I think I’ll put up an […]

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Hishgraphics H


This is the first entry after the site was hacked and evil and vile javascript and php codes were written into the blog’s templates and database files. Many thanks to Fairiz Jafar of EasyNet Interactive, our webhoster, for noticing and monitoring the trouble almost a full day before I contacted […]

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