Hishgraphics H


It was all over the news when I was in Germany. The H5N1 had been detected in dead wild swans at the northern coast of the country. The H5N1 virus, as all but those hiding incommunicado in underground bunkers since 1962 would know, is the strain of bird flu virus […]

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Meanwhile, outside

Hotel Ochsen Post

I got back from the airport today from a training in Germany. While there I stayed at Ochsen Post Hotel in the village of Tiefenbronn not too far from Hausen, where I had my training. The hotel is right in the middle of town, where dozens of dummies are placed […]

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Like a Leaf On The Wind

I’ve been waiting to see Serenity since last September. When I checked the schedule at the time, they said it would be shown February 2006. Yesterday, there I was on the ground floor across the brightly-lit hallway from the video store at One Utama mall, ignoring the school of people […]

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Hishgraphics H

Returning to Form, but Slowly

I still can’t believe it. I’m getting my passport renewed. I’m buying cold weather gear and one of those new-fangled bags with wheels and a retractable handle (which is pretty neat). I’m brushing up on things like “planetary gear”, “autorotation”, “rotor profile drag” and “combining gear box”. I’m planning how […]

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The Legion on JLU

No, not the French Foreign Legion. The DC Universe’s 30th century team the Legion of Super-Heroes finally get to shine in an episode of Justice League Unlimited titled “Far From Home”. Sure, Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy and Chameleon Boy travelled back in time in Superman the Animated Series before, but […]

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At the anchor

Midnight Jaunt to Lumut

At midnight we went for drinks at the Lumut Waterfront cafe, on the newly reclaimed land on Dindings River opposite of Kampung Acheh. At nearly midnight the well-lit playground of the place was filled with kids and even babies in prams (pushed by parents, and not moving on their own […]

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Group photo

CNY at Teik Sing’s House

This afternoon, Ain, Irfan and I went to Teik Sing’s house to celebrate New Year. The last time the former ACS students of SPM 1990 gathered together was during Independence Day 2005 in 1 Utama. I almost missed the gate into Teik Sing’s house, which Warren and I remembered to […]

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Close-up of the Mon Calamari


The best fried calamari (sotong celup tepung) on this planet, as well as several other planets and moons (including the seafood industry on Europa), is located at the Medan Ikan Bakar FELCRA at Simpang Dua, Sitiawan. The taste and the texture is just right. And saying that the price is […]

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Hishgraphics H

The Day The Tyre Died, Again

Thursday night we went to pick up F from MIAT. We arrived at 2200. But we left at almost midnight. What was I doing two hours in MIAT? Changing the tires of the car, that’s what. After everyone was secure aboard 10 minutes after our arrival (Irfan was fast asleep […]

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Hishgraphics H

Full Circle

Once upon a lifetime ago, I used to repair helicopters. The job wasn’t at all glamorous. All you had to do was to follow the manual, observe regulations and ensure the paperwork was correct. Everyday you had to perform scheduled maintenance. Then one day I quit and left it all. […]

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Hishgraphics H

Happy Birthday Ain

Happy birthday and many happy returns to my beautiful wife Nurul Ain. Some cards were sent. A blueberry cheese cake was eaten. Irfan sang the Happy Birthday song. Ain also made a pot of fried noodles. And because Kak Nor also had the same birthdate as Ain, both sisters celebrated […]

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Wild Gundark

The Crew of the Wild Gundark

Never let it be said I ran the Wild Gundark game without having at least one group illustration done for the team. Clockwise from top left, Groo McShae the Duros sensor tech, Similiv Zalimort the Kerestian first mate, Captain Nisa Dyaton the pilot, Aleic Karnsky the gunner, N4-M8 the mercenary […]

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