Abrams Bloodbath Week

Apart from the release of Mission Impossible III this week, J.J. Abrams seems to have both his TV series Alias and Lost slated for bloodbaths where major characters die violently in surprising turn of events, and those who die do so in similar ways within each show even if they […]

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Fresh off its envelope

Comp Copy Number 1

The complimentary copy came in the mail today, the first RPG book in which I had a hand in creating: Future Player’s Companion published by The Game Mechanics and Green Ronin Publishing. Thanks to Gary again for recommending me for this gig and everyone at TGM (Stan!, Marc and JD) […]

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Cake on the First of May

May 1st is Irfan’s Cik Su F’s 19th birthday. Her sisters, including Ain, chipped in for a cake for a little get together. The cake had oranges and strawberries and mangos and kiwi fruits and grapes. Irfan also wanted in on the cutting of the cake, as usual. For the […]

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Hisham and Ain

Surrounded by War Machines

It was a long, tiring four days at Defence Services Asia… and here’s a collection of my personal photos of the event. There I was trying to sell the map generator and pilot task management system while surrounded by missiles, rifles, tanks and other things that can blow you up. […]

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Ride a Robot to School Today

Illustration Friday: Robot

I pencilled, inked, scanned and coloured this piece in around 3 hours. Not just a robot, this model of humanoid artificial intelligence is also a transport to school, a bully deterrent, an escort through a minefield, a full-spectrum sensor and communication suite, and a piano tuner.

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Noumenon cover

More Word of Noumenon

Abstract Nova website has been updated with more tidbits on the upcoming Noumenon RPG, where one of the two vignettes I wrote will be published. The book will be released in June, but the month before that a character sheet and a sampler will available for download. GamingReport.com also has […]

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A Marvellous Group of Zombies

Captain America! Spider-Man! Thor! Hulk! Iron Man! Giant Man! Wasp! Power Man! Wolverine! Storm! Cyclops! Captain Mar-Vell! These are some of the greatest heroes ever to walk the Earth within the Marvel Universe. Each possessing a variety superhuman powers, together they are an unstoppable force in the pursuit of justice […]

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Hishgraphics H

Browse by Categories

After a long time I finally got around to reading up and writing a “Categories” block for the weblog. Now, you can check out the last 15 posts (or less, if the count is less than 15) what Sila and I have written in whichever categories it’s listed under. See? […]

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Hishgraphics H

Holy Crap… I Broke Something!

Specifically, by altering some php code manually on the file, I seem to have caused Sila’s Pajeri Terong entry to disappear, or perhaps eaten by cacodemons at the very least. The PHP file is still there in the database directory, but somehow I can’t get it to be published on […]

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Fleep by Jason Shiga is not a webcomic. It’s a story published not to its conclusion by AsianWeek but now collected in its entirety at Jason Shiga’s website. It’s a story of one man’s adventure upon waking up entombed in a telephone booth. The tale starts out looking as if […]

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V For Verisimilitude

I saw V for Vendetta on Monday. Therefore I shall write about it here. With spoilers. You have been warned. I only read the comic for the first time last year, so I never really connected with the background of the millieux presented by Alan Moore in the book. I […]

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A Website I’m Working On

Here’s a website I’ve been working on the past month. It’s come a long way from minimal HTML code, simple CSS, placeholder images (which constisted of the Cylon raider “Scar”) and the words “Text coming soon, bitches.” on some pages. It’s still far from being fully operational. I’m hoping it’ll […]

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Aragorn Jenkins

Aragorn of Pals For Life Guild

It’s unknown to me who made this image, but every time I look at it I have to at least stifle a laugh… because the way Aragorn rushes into combat almost without warning is nearly similar to how that fateful battle began at Blackrock Spire. Unfortunately not everyone will get […]

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