It has been a busy and activity-filled month for our Yaya! And very quickly she turned 44 months old. She has definitely come a long way from the little baby that we brought home from the hospital. She can even successfully blow her own bubbles! [[image:2012-yaya44month-03.jpg:Mari kita main buih sabun […]
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A Yaya and Adik Story – February 2012
When we were kids, Hisham and I went through a “Choose your own adventure” book phase. You know, where you read the story and at the end of a chapter, you decide what the character should do. For instance, cross the bridge, proceed to Chapter 5, or take the footpath […]
Continue readingRafe’s 2 Month Birthday
Despite the date on this entry, it has been a long time since the boy’s 2 month birthday. It’s been a crazy busy time, but definitely a wonderful, and exhausting time for Vin and me. Just look at this entry as a way to show some cute pictures of Rafe […]
Continue reading43 Months
So another month has passed. Another fast and hectic one! We are settled in and pretty well adjusted to the new member of our family, and Kak Yaya is doing a great job of being an older sister! [[image:2012_yaya_43months_04.jpg:Mama, look at me!:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for additional captions […]
Continue readingRafe’s 1 Month Birthday
And so the boy is a month old! (More than that by now but thank god for backdated blog entries, teehee!) This month has really flown by. Since Adik’s adventures in bilirubin, it has been fairly peaceful for us. Like most newborns, his activities are confined to eating, sleeping, pooping, […]
Continue reading42 Months
It has been a milestone month for everyone! Yaya spent her first month as Kak Yaya (big sister Yaya), and we all had to adjust to having Rafe in our lives. And now the girl is officially three and a half years old! Halfway to four! Craziness right? [[image:2012_yaya_42months_01.jpg:Our beautiful […]
Continue readingWhile Becky was here…
As you know, Vin’s cousin Becky and her family were here for Rafe’s birth. Everyone arrived the day before Rafe was born, and everyone except Becky and Aunt Mary (Becky’s 98-year-old grandmother) left the day after he was born. Becky (and Aunt Mary) stayed to help us out for the […]
Continue readingThe Bilirubin Files
As mentioned in the previous entry, Adik was going to experience some complications in his young life. On Saturday January 7, we took him to see the doctor because his left eye was gunking up despite our best efforts. His usual pediatrician was unavailable given that it was a Saturday […]
Continue readingRafe’s 1 week birthday
Here’s an excuse for gratuitous baby pictures, Rafe’s 1 week birthday! I’ve included pictures of the boy taken over the past week, including some professionally taken ones that we purchased. 🙂 [[image:2012-0105-rafe01.jpg:Sleeping in his cot at the hospital:center:0]] Note: Mouse over pictures for captions Let’s start with the professionally taken […]
Continue readingThe Arrival of Rafiq Charles
The new member of our family has arrived. Vin and I welcomed our son Rafiq Charles Renstrom to the world on December 29, 2011 at 4:35 PM, Eastern Time. He weighed 8 lb 11.2 oz (3.95 kg), and was 20 1/2 inches long. In other words, he was 2 oz […]
Continue reading41 Months
Another impossibly quick month has passed. Don’t ask me where the time went. Despite my best efforts, this entry is quite late and (guiltily) backdated. My excuse: work. I had a lot to accomplish before handing off for maternity which meant that I had to work through the Christmas holidays […]
Continue reading40 Months
So the girl is now 40 months old! Three and 1/3 years old. This month has totally flown by and it’s definitely been a crazy one! For one thing, we had our first October snowstorm during our last work trip out to New Jersey until after the new baby arrives. […]
Continue readingBoy or girl? 32 weeks in 3D
Today we went to see Yaya’s Adik in 3D. He is 32 weeks old and was a bit shy so had to be coaxed to show his face. Unlike Yaya, he seems much more modest around the camera while Yaya was quite the show off, sucking her thumb and everything! […]
Continue reading39 Months
At 39 months, Yaya is now becoming aware of the seasons changing – the need to wear jackets to go outside, the leaves on the trees turning color and falling off the branches, etc. It’s amazing since last year she really didn’t pay that much attention to these changes. Here […]
Continue readingBoy or girl? Hehe.. 27 week pics
Yes, indeed, Yaya’s Adik is a boy, inshallah. Here is a of picture of his face from the 27 week ultrasound we just had on Thursday, 6 October 2011. [[image:adik-06oct2011-face.jpg:Is Adik smiling or frowning?:center:0]] His weight is now an estimated 2 lb 11 ounces (little over 1 kg) which is average […]
Continue reading38 Months
So Yaya had her 38 month birthday while we were in New Jersey. Another quick and fun month has gone by, and here is the girl lounging on the bed in the hotel while Papa calls in a delivery dinner order: [[image:2011-0922-yaya1.jpg:No barrettes for once!:center:0]] Food status: no change, although […]
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