Welcome to Hishgraphics Games & Training

Hishgraphics Games Training

After carrying out a handful of tabletop role-playing game events for schools, colleagues and such, I believe it is time to offer these services actively instead of sitting down and waiting while I do other stuff. As such, I have created a new YouTube channel. The first video, the intro, […]

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Three structures in the distance

Three Structures

It appears that I have upgraded the blog from Pivot 1.4 to PivotX 2.3.11 after many months – no, years – of fretting if the CMS which has been vaporware for quite some time would die on us without warning. It was either get left behind by technology, or to […]

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Hishgraphics Gallery v3.0

[[image:2013-gallery-index.jpg:The Louvre… or something:center:0]] If you hadn’t noticed, the gallery on this site had been out of commission for many, many months. Any links to it, such as the one at the top of the left column of this blog’s index page, points to the DeviantArt gallery instead. It died […]

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What Happened at the Coral Reef?

[[image:evagoestothebeach-cover.jpg:Well, she does!:left:0]]I wrote, dedicated and presented this book to baby Eva – currently less than half a year old – at the gathering last week. I hope some day Mei & Andrew will be able to read to Eva, and she will wonder what a crazy nut Uncle Hisham […]

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Hishgraphics H

Tagging The Entire Weblog

I seem to be on a roll this weekend. Yesterday, I spent some hours trying to fix the layout in Internet Explorer, as noted by Sila in the previous article’s comments. This morning I’ve started to activate the Pivot weblog‘s Tag feature. This should help further categorising the articles herein, […]

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Hishgraphics H

The Layout Goes South

I’ve been trying to code the CSS file for the weblog all morning. I woke up and thought, how nice it would be if the site was optimised to a width of 1024 pixels. So I tinkered. And after altering and jury-rigging a bit of code here and a snippet […]

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Hishgraphics H

Dreadwind Rising: A Blog Upgrade

Many, many months after the latest version of Pivot had been released, and remember that this weblog uses the Pivot content management system to… manage its content, Hishgraphics blog has finally been upgraded. It was for a very long time running on version 1.30 codenamed “Arcee”. As of yesterday, this […]

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The Gallery Is Upgraded

After a long time of uploading images and hard coding the html (and later php) files into the Hishgraphics Gallery, I’ve now deleted the old setup and replaced it with a proper Coppermine Gallery CMS. It took some time to get the hang of the system, but I think I […]

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Finally Playing with PHP

Referring to some help sites and pulling back the curtain to look at source codes, I finally got the nerve to save some text files which I wrote on a text editor as php files, which I usually always do in html! Not really ground breaking stuff; all I did […]

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Hishgraphics H

This Weblog Is China-Friendly

It’s been in the news since last year that China has been censoring internet into the country. So, thanks to a website called greatfirewallofchina.org, I am able to test whether the subject matters of Hishgraphics blog entries are forbidden to be view from within China. Apparently, we’re not blocked! Yay! […]

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Hishgraphics on Ubuntu

Two Views Of The Same Page

Because I’ve using Firefox on Ubuntu 6.06 LTS to surf the net, here are two different looks of this website’s index page. I have no preference on which is better looking, but apart from the fonts, there really isn’t much difference, thanks to Ubuntu not being able to display the […]

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Hishgraphics H


This is the first entry after the site was hacked and evil and vile javascript and php codes were written into the blog’s templates and database files. Many thanks to Fairiz Jafar of EasyNet Interactive, our webhoster, for noticing and monitoring the trouble almost a full day before I contacted […]

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