Spider Monkey

D6: Spider Monkey Stats

Spider Monkey: D6 Stats Spider Monkey Type: Tree-swinging monkey DEX 5D Dodge: 6D+2 Throw: poo 6D PER 2D STR 1D+2 Brawl: bite attack 5D Climb/jump: 7D Move:10 (on ground) / 15 (on trees) Special abilities: Bite attack: STR+1D Damage Poo flinging: On hit, roll target’s willpower against Moderate difficulty. Failure […]

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Galactic Weekly NewsStack FTW

Those Stories About What Happened…

I might have overdone it with the “Those Stories About What Happened” meme adapted from the latest Star Wars The Force Awakens trailer, pertaining to West End Games’ Star Wars The Roleplaying Game material. It probably what Han would tell these kids about the Galactic Civil War shenanigans as played […]

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Admiral Ssp

Star Trek Hybrids

So, I drew some cross-species hybridization as Star Trek aliens are wont to do. For example, Spock is a Human-Vulcan hybrid and K’Ehleyr is a Human-Klingon hybrid. A Tholian-Vulcan hybrid! I only remembered the pointy eyebrows after I finished drawing. A Horta-Cardassian hybrid. No space beneath the silicon-based body for […]

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Rogue One Strikeforce Enteague

Strikeforce Enteague The Movie?

Once upon a time, Shanna Toarinar the bounty hunter stole a captured A-Wing Fighter from the Empire. Soon after, she was recruited to be the first member of the Strikeforce Enteague. Thus begins the Star Wars RPG campaign – using West End Games’s D6 system – that lasted for 10 […]

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"My lightsabre is bigger than yours" "Oh shut up"

Star Wars Crossover

There’s a breach in the space-time continuum and strange, giant robotic entities fly through and bring their own war into the Galactic Republic! However, the creatures look somewhat familiar… eerily familiar. One faction allies itself with the Republic while another with the Separatists. With the sudden inclusion of powerful sapient […]

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Nooo!!! Not another Gamera attack!! There goes Sunday morning!

Gamera Moves Into Town!

And there goes the neighbourhood in Pandan Indah. Well, not really. Recently, I had Irfan’s Gamera toy with me in the car, so wherever I drive and I find a photo opportunity, I’d take an impromptu photo of the toy in forced perspective with the surrounding buildings in view. So, […]

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