Dog Days of Summer

August has been a gruelling month in Southwestern Ohio. We might have seen a lot of rain in the Pacific Northwest when we visited, but from when we got home to this past Monday, we had not seen one drop of rain at our house! Grass is turning brown. Record high temperatures have been seen. Today’s high, for instance, is 99 F (34 C) and yesterday’s was 101 F (35 C). Humid like Malaysia. It did rain on Monday, and wasn’t too crazy hot on Tuesday, but we’re back to the heat now.

So yeah it has been HOT!

This is the kind of heat that makes up the “dog days of summer“. Defined as the period of time between July and September (roughly) when Sirius (the dog star) rises and sets with the sun. It also corresponds to the hottest days of the year in the northern hemisphere. And boy, it’s been seriously dog days around here. Just look at poor Lily:

[[image:dogdays1.jpg:Lily does not like the dog days..:center:0]]

I don’t think cats like the dog days.

And to make matters worst, the air conditioning at our house (both units, mysteriously) is kaput! So poor Vin is wilting along with Lily in the terrible summer heat (night and day, relentlessly). Vin is a Leo (and therefore a cat?) so he and Lily are both not enjoying the dog days without a/c. 🙁

Tomorrow the weather is supposed to break. High of 90 F (30 C). We’ll take it! In the meantime, Lily and Vin will just have to stay close to the fans.

[[image:dogdays2.jpg:Trying to keep cool:center:0]]

[[image:dogdays3.jpg:When all else fails, sleep by the vents:center:0]]

[[image:dogdays4.jpg:She’s making me sleepy now:center:0]]

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