Kangar Street Art Photos

I was busy all through to the end of 2016 that I was oblivious to stuff happening in Kangar. For example, I recently discovered an alley near the centre of town which had been adorned by colourful street art apparently painted by schoolchildren from all over Malaysia.

I thought I would take a couple of photos for documentation’s sake, because this must have been a really fun event for the attendees.

The title artwork as one enters the alley

The title artwork as one enters the alley

This one looks pretty lively

This one looks pretty lively

It appears one of the artist is a student from Irfan's school

It appears one of the artist is a student from Irfan’s school

Artists from Labuan and Perlis painted this betta

Artists from Labuan and Perlis painted this betta

Ducks are flying out of the frame in this artwork by Kelantanese students

Ducks are flying out of the frame in this artwork by Kelantanese students

A Vespa by Putrajaya artists

A Vespa by Putrajaya artists

Some funky psychedelic designs by Terengganu students

Some funky psychedelic designs by Terengganu students

From Sabah is a painting of an aerial-naval warfare on the high seas

From Sabah is a painting of an aerial-naval warfare on the high seas

I would guess that the title for the Selangor students' work is Membanting Padi

I would guess that the title for the Selangor students’ work is Membanting Padi

Ooh! A painting of the Cave of Dramatic Lighting that breaks the fourth wall

Ooh! A painting of the Cave of Dramatic Lighting that breaks the fourth wall

Taiping was where I was born

Taiping was where I was born

The topic for this piece appears to be insects

The topic for this piece appears to be insects

Sila used to play a lot of zero point when we were in school, I recall

Sila used to play a lot of zero point when we were in school, I recall

The Penang artwork is of two boys bubu-fishing

The Penang artwork is of two boys bubu-fishing

Finally, the artwork by the Kuala Lumpur participants. I wish I was able to watch the murals being painted during the event

Finally, the artwork by the Kuala Lumpur participants. I wish I was able to watch the murals being painted during the event

Posted in Artwork, Recent News and tagged , .

Khairul Hisham J. is a tabletop RPG artist, writer, proofreader, translator, teacher, grad student and learner-in-general.

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