He wears a red cap

D6 Magazine: Two Monsters

Two final images commissioned for the latest D6 Magazine issue featured two entries below are the Redcap and the Springheeled Jack and lots of spilled blood. Springheeled Jack Download the zine from DrivethruRPG to read about them, complete with OpenD6 stats!

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D6 Magazine #3 cover

D6 Magazine Issue 3: An Interview

D6 Magazine – the online fanzine for Open D6 role-playing game material – has released issue #3! The horror issue has a variety of articles and scenarios, including vampires, a hell hound, a redcap goblin and Spring-heeled Jack. There’s also a simple Sanity System for running D6 horror adventures. The […]

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I want a Peanuts strip reboot with this guy as Snoopy, pretty please?

D6 Magazine: Hellhound

The Halloween issue of D6 Magazine will be a bit late, but here’s a late commission from the publishers! I’m not in the loop as to which article this illustration is slated to be in, but I guess said article has a Hellhound in it! And it seems to be […]

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Benthic what?

D6 Magazine: Down Below Redux

So, anyway… under the sea, I take it that it’s better down where it’s wetter; and also where they devote full time to floating. However, the sturgeon and the ray do not get the urge and start to play in the adventure Down Below in the upcoming Halloween issue of […]

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Worst shaving accident ever

D6 Magazine: Down Below

Halloween, being a permanent fixture to the month of October, has inspired the upcoming issue of D6 Magazine to have horror-themed articles. The third issue of the online magazine continues to deliver articles, adventures and interviews for the Open D6 gaming community. Here is a sneak peek to illustrations I […]

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Mike thinks this is some sort of marriage counselling program

D6 Magazine: Issue Two Artwork

I have been illustrating for an article for a new issue of the D6 Magazine. This hilarious entry by Mike Fraley, entitled “Graiv’s Magical Curiosities”, is a marketing drive by the eponymous business owner trying to sell off some strange and unconventional magical artefacts that seem utterly useless at first […]

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D6 Magazine - Abyssian Hunter

D6 Magazine Released

Remember the cover I did a couple of posts ago? After months of work, finally the debut issue of D6 Magazine has finally been released into the wild. Apart from the aforementioned cover, I also helped the writers produce three interior artwork for it. For the article “Crack of the […]

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