Maybe the weather phenomenon they encountered looks like this

Dune RPG: To The Deep Desert

Last night, I ran Modiphius’ Dune RPG for the first time, as a one-shot, using the Wormsign quickstart scenario as an adventure template. To The Deep Desert Location: City of Arrakeen, Planet Arrakis.Time: 2 weeks before the official Atreides arrival, year 10,191 AG. “Given the right lever, you can move […]

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Cover of Dune RPG

Dune Adventures in the Imperium RPG

Mushtamal of Classic Science Fiction What nonsense is this? Both the science fiction books I read during my formative years during my teens are both being released as talkies this year? First of all, there’s Apple TV’s Foundation series – based on Isaac Asimov’s classic novels – which I might […]

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