Another impossibly quick month has passed. Don’t ask me where the time went. Despite my best efforts, this entry is quite late and (guiltily) backdated. My excuse: work. I had a lot to accomplish before handing off for maternity which meant that I had to work through the Christmas holidays […]
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33 Months
I’m just not even going to mention how late this entry is or the reasons why because they’re all the same boring reasons recycled month after month. At any rate, the girl is now 33 months old! 2.75 years old already! [[image:2011-0422-22.jpg:Fashionably bored?:center:0]] Honestly, I like the picture above because […]
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It’s a miracle! Only a few days after the girl’s 31 month birthday, this entry is being written? What’s gotten into me? 🙂 Anyways, this past Tuesday the 22nd, Yaya turned 31 months old. Here she is: [[image:20110222_05.jpg:Aww shucks!:center:0]] Another fast-paced month has passed by. We did our first 2011 New […]
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So the girl is now two and a half! Years!! How crazy is that? Time really does fly. Especially in 2011 since suddenly I am so very very late with this entry. Yaya’s getting close to 31 months. But my excuse is work commitments. It’s been a very busy 2011 […]
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Another month, and how quickly it passed! Granted, I only fairly recently wrote her 28 month blog (cheating and dating it earlier than it was actually written, but whatever). 😉 At least this month I’m able to work on this entry only a few days after the fact (hooray to […]
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I am very delinquent this month (and cheating by dating it a little earlier – it is actually much later in December that I’m writing this entry but I’m fudging the posting date to make myself feel a little better). But I will try to faithfully capture what’s happened until […]
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And lo, the child speaks!!!!! Seriously, Allie finally started talking! It all happened starting about two weeks ago – but hey, better late than never, right? [[image:20101122-15.jpg:Smiiiiiiiiiiiiile:center:0]] The smile-grimace hasn’t changed though. 😉 So now, at 27 months, Allie has been actually speaking (intelligibly) for about two weeks. I guess […]
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And Allie is now another month older. She was 23 months old last Tuesday, and now is not even a month away from her second birthday! How crazy is that? It feels just like yesterday when Allie was born and now, look at her: [[image:allie668a.jpg:Wearing her trademark barrette:center:0]] * Mouse […]
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So Allie turned 22 months old on the 22nd (yesterday)! Since it fell on a Saturday and I didn’t have to work, Vin and I had a fun day planned out for the girl. And I apologize way in advance for the sheer number of pictures in this entry. [[image:allie626a.jpg:Hey […]
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It happened! On March 22nd (last Monday) Allie became a 20-month-old! We have no idea where the time went and suddenly she’s such a lively and independent little thing! She had a terrific day, even though Mama had to work. Papa manned the camera and took a ton of pictures. […]
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Yet another month has gone by! Allie was 19 months old last Monday, February 22nd. It’s quite amazing how quickly time flies! [[image:allie529a.jpg:Yaya and Mama:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for added captions  This has been quite the exciting month! For one thing, we have had a lot of snow, […]
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It’s true! Allie is 18 months old now! She is one and a half years old! (Well at the time that this was written she is 18 months and 10 days old).It happened on January 22nd, also known as Yong’s birthday (Happy belated birthday Yong!). [[image:allie504a.jpg:The angel:center:0]]Â Sorry for the […]
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Last Tuesday, December 22nd, Allie was 17 months old! Unfortunately, the poor little girl was recovering from strep and possibly the flu. You can see how uncharacteristically unenergetic she is here: [[image:allie453a.jpg:Poor sick baby:center:0]] She had been fever free for a day, but was still weak and listless. She was […]
Continue readingAllie’s 15 Month Birthday
Dadgummit! Time, wings, and all that. Can you believe Allie is now 15 months old? And this time I didn’t wait weeks before doing her 15-month blog entry. Heh. [[image:allie395a.jpg:Cool cupcake:center:0]]Â * Mouse over the pictures for additional captions Allie is fast growing and rapidly developing. New skills are emerging […]
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Behold, a mosquito bit the 13-month-old Allie’s cheek! [[image:allie361a.jpg:Mozzie bit me!:center:0]] Allie was 13 months old last Saturday August 22nd, also the first day of Ramadhan. She’s had another month of a full-time Mama since I am still in-between projects. And today, Allie is 13 months and 6 days old […]
Continue readingThe one with the birthday crepes
Two days after Allie’s first birthday was Vin’s birthday! And since it was his day, he got to pick what he wanted as his birthday treat and he chose crepes. This is my first attempt at making crepes, but I gave it a shot! But first, Allie takes a shot […]
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