Twenty Eight Weeks

Monday marked the 28th week of the pregnancy. We are now 70% of the way! Another 12 weeks or so to go!! Time seems to just be flying by. The shirt isn’t snug over the belly, but believe me, there’s a pretty big one under there! [[image:28weeksa.jpg:Sila at 28 Weeks:center:0]] […]

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Twenty Four Weeks on the 24th

I can’t believe it. Four more weeks have passed since the Halfway Mark! We are now 60% of the way there. I think there’s been more progress on the belly in the last four weeks though. What do you think? [[image:24weeks.jpg:Growing Belly:center:0]] I’m feeling pretty good, all things considered. Aches […]

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The Halfway Mark

I have been a total spaz about blogging lately. I’m so behind on all kinds of entries that I’ve been meaning to write and have been writing in my head. But as you might imagine, Vin and I have been occupied with other things lately. 🙂 Monday February 25th was […]

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