Meanwhile, During the Rest of SILK 2018

The Symposium of International Languages and Knowledge was quite the event. Besides running the RPG workshop, I also sat in other talks, participated in other educational workshops and also had lots of food. Here are some photos to show the experience I underwent at Walailak University, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand. […]

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Dua seringgit

Symposium Gift Artwork

At the language symposium last week, besides the two assignments I wrote about I also had a third task: Which was to sketch some artwork to be printed and presented as gifts to the special guests of the event. The common theme for each drawing was Perlis. I drew them […]

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With appearances of Rozilawati and Juliana way in the back near the door

My First Language Symposium

Another new experience I underwent was the language symposium I attended this weekend. The language symposium was an annual collaboration between three universities, two of them in southern Thailand. I was also part of the organising committee, although my duties were by far the most unimportant and required the least […]

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