Players in the Clone War

Paper Minis: Clone Wars Batch 1

For a bunch of folk on different sides of and profiteering from a war, they look good together. The character design for The Clone Wars animated series was amazingly done, although Aurra Sing was designed for The Phantom Menace. Here they are as paper minis, as commissioned by Brian Purvis […]

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An R1 is clearly visible during the Jawa droid sale scene at the Lars farm

Paper Minis: More Astromech Droids

Once upon a time, I posted a PDF of astromech droid paper miniatures. Specifically, the R2-, R4- and R5-series astromech droids manufactured by Industrial Automatons. Today, I post more astromech droids that you can use in your Star Wars RPG campaign!  Specifically, the large outdated R1-series from Industrial Automatons, and […]

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Protocol is protocol

Paper Minis: Protocol Droids

So now we have protocol droid paper miniatures for your Star Wars RPG campaign! LOM-series for bipedal insectoid species and C-series for bipedal mammalian species. Everyone needs protocol droids when dealing with government, large organisations, corporations, royalty, kindergarten administration and other assorted middle management-heavy institutions! Also, if you have protocol […]

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With tiles from d20radio!

Paper Minis: Outer Rim Ladies

Here are paper miniatures of some ladies who live and work in the Outer Rim Territories. They might be scouts, colonists, doctors, outlaw techs, diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs, and wanderers. Wait! Wrong sci-fi franchise, but still applicable for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game! As a bonus, there’s also a Chiss version […]

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Paper Minis: GONK!

GONK! Download the Veril Line Systems’ EG-4 and EG-6 power droids paper miniatures for your Star Wars Role-Playing Game campaign! GONK! GONK! GONK! Speaking of paper miniatures, I’ve just launched a Hishgraphics Patreon campaign for general purpose gaming. It will eventually cover everything from high fantasy to science fiction to […]

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Minions galore!

Paper Minis: Stormtroopers Redux

I’ve released paper miniatures of Imperial stormtroopers before, but they were black and white line art. So I thought I’d create brand new non-monochrome Imperial troops. One group of troopers wield SE-4R blasters and the other E-11 blasters. Click here to view, download from Google Drive for free and assemble […]

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Wait. Are the pilots catcalling the drivers here?

Paper Minis: Imperial Pilots

And now, paper miniatures for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game with a bunch of armoured Imperial pilots: the TIE fighter pilot and the AT-AT driver. Their costume designs are amazing if you see photos of them up close. If you need some NPCs to fight with while in the hangar […]

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I don't know if these guys are from Tierfon Outpost

Paper Minis: X-Wing Pilots

If you’re playing any version of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, perhaps you’d like some paper miniatures if your player characters or your non-player characters are X-wing fighter jocks. There are male and female pilots, wearing and not wearing helmets. The helmeted male pilots – if you study them closely […]

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Space Nazguls FTW!

Paper Minis: Cloaked Dudes

A lot of folks wear cloaks and hoods in the Star Wars universe, from the Jedi to senators to even street spy Garindan. You shouldn’t have any lack of reasons to use these paper miniatures in the Star Wars Roleplaying Game as player or non-player characters. Click here to download […]

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Some sort of humans

Paper Minis: Naboo Security Forces

Sure these are Battle of Naboo-era uniforms, but they look much more varied than Clone Wars-era NRSF uniforms. Just remember that after the Senate dissolution, Naboo and the Chommell Sector would be under the command of Moff Panaka who is still good friends with the Emperor. These would be legitimate […]

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There be boys and girls

Paper Minis: Rebel Troops

So I made a new batch of Star Wars RPG paper minis. These are Rebel officers and troopers just in time for FFG’s Age of Rebellion release. Now your scoundrel characters can interact with the Rebels, or start off as Alliance characters! Click here to download the pdf for printout […]

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More aliens out in the fringe

Paper Minis: Asok’s Fringers Part 2

Here is a second set of paper minis created from Ryan “Asok Yeesrim” Rhodes’s illustrations used with his permission. Check out larger versions of the artwork at his gallery linked from his name. The first batch of Ryan-drawn minis can be found here. Here’s our first non-canonical alien species created by Ryan, named […]

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Some Imperial officer using the droids for his escort

Paper Minis: Floating Droids

Here are three types of floating droids as paper miniatures for use with the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. You’ve seen the Marksman-H training remote before in Star Wars, where Luke trained with one on the Millennium Falcom. There’s also the Mark IV sentry droid that helped the sandtroopers in Mos […]

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