Thirty Two Weeks

Time seems to be flying on by! We are now at 32 weeks, as of this past Monday. 80% of the way there now! Feeling big and getting bigger…

[[image:32week1.jpg:The traditional shot:center:0]]

Here’s a different angle of me, where you can really see that the belly is getting rather large…

[[image:32week3.jpg:I’m feeling big:center:0]]

And the treat of the week, Zarin came for a visit!! He’s the special guest star of the 32-week milestone! 🙂

[[image:32week2.jpg:Sila and Zarin:center:0]]

I’ll do more of Zarin’s visit here later. Baby is moving around pretty constantly, and I can totally feel the liveliness. A favorite is to elbow my bladder at the most inopportune time. But for the most part, we are both doing well. I’m feeling pretty good still. Hopefully I will remain feeling good while baby gains the most weight in the next few weeks… 😉

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