Anya with Wonder Garden

More Aidiladha in Selangor Tales

After the MAHSA visit, it was time to take it easy.  The penultimate day of our visit we scouted Kuala Lumpur, checking out Pandan Indah though there were no photos taken there. We did have lunch at Burger King at the Petronas near Lotus Ampang (formerly Tesco). We also checked […]

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Showing of the TTRPGs

Visit to MAHSA University

Several weeks ago, I received an email from MAHSA University in Selangor. They would like to know more about using tabletop RPGs as teaching and learning tools, especially for their language classes. I set a date to meet with their faculty members earlier today, as we would be on vacation […]

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The first night of Raya and we're having dinner at a food court

Aidiladha in Selangor

It was Hari Raya Aidiladha. We drove down south towards Salak Tinggi to Anya’s house even though they were spending their first few days in Kelantan. They would return home when we were still there. For the first few days, we were at their place with Cik Su F as […]

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Thine Own Self S02E03 title card

STA: Three’s a Crowd

Star Trek: Thine Own Self S2 E03 Three’s A Crowd *** Stardate: 57930.2 – Sat Dec 06 2380 10:50:16 UTC Starfleet Dramatis Personae Lt. Cmdr. Kodar Tamat, Cardassian engineering officer and mission commander Dr. Thomas Crane, Human medical officer (NPC) Lt. Leahman Barclay, Human conn officer (Semi-temporary NPC) Ensign Sparik, Vulcan […]

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Nipah Klasik Youtube image

Nipah Klasik

We discovered this really neat restaurant recently. The eatery is nestled among a thick grove of nipah plants growing out of a swamp slightly south of Simpang Empat. Besides having food that we found delicious, the actual restaurant was built on stilts over the swamp. Visitors can sit at tables […]

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The GM with the rulebook

STA: Breaking Out

Star Trek: Thine Own Self S02 E02 Breaking Out *** Stardate: 57930.0 – Sat Dec 06 2380 0931 UTC Starfleet Dramatis Personae Lt. Cmdr. Kodar Tamat, Cardassian First Officer and mission commander Lt. Leahman Barclay, Human conn officer Dr. Thomas Crane, Human medical officer Non-Player Characters Ensign Sparik, Vulcan conn officer – […]

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The STA GM and two players

STA: Spirited Away

Star Trek: Thine Own Self S02 E01 Spirited Away *** Stardate: 57929.9 – Dec 06 2380 0851 UTC Starfleet Dramatis Personae Lt. Cmdr. Kodar Tamat, Cardassian First Officer and mission commander Lt. Leahman Barclay, Human conn officer Non-Player Characters Ensign Sparik, Vulcan conn officer – shuttle pilot Lt. Annete Metaxis, Human bridge conn […]

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Saliva test kits

Two Lines

It has been almost two years since the pandemic officially kicked off in the country. After many mutations, the former denizens of the Tenth Floor (now in Transitory State) are now infected by the virus. At time of writing, there has been 440 million infections and 6 million deaths worldwide, […]

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