Fun at KL Hilton

Since Irfan had no school due to the UPSR exams, we took the opportunity to go for a mini-vacation and spent ultimately two nights at the Hilton KL Sentral. This is freaking best Hilton in the world! Seriously! We stayed here after our wedding five years ago when Irfan was […]

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Pangkor with Jenn

After a decade away, I finally made it back to Pangkor. And this time, I got to share the experience with Vin, Allie and Jenn, Vin’s cousin who is teaching English in Jakarta. Jenn hopped over to visit us for a few days in Sitiawan, arriving after Hisham and his […]

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Yati Comes a-Calling

On the fifth day of Aidilfitri (September 14th), my old friend Yati stopped by for a quick Hari Raya visit: [[image:2010-sept-yati04.jpg:Onyang Yati:center:0]] It had been a while since I last saw Yati, and it was really good to see her again, and also to see her husband Zukry, and to […]

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Guess Hoos Coming to Raya?

On the second day of Aidilfitri (September 11th), the Meis and their family came for a visit. By family we mean Mei Lin, Mei Chin, their husbands, their daughters, their parents, and their little brother Colin-boy. Hoo did you expect? 😉 [[image:2010-sept-hoos01.jpg:Me and Yaya, and Mei and Immie:center:0]] Hisham and […]

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Allie’s 25 Month Birthday

And since I was so late with the last two 2-year birthday blogs, here we are, on August 29th. Allie is now 25 months and 1 week old! July and August have just flown by! Ramadhan Mubarak to everyone! Courtney had been in town for a conference and so spent […]

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Allie’s 24 Month (aka Second) Birthday

It happened! Allie’s big day arrived – she turned 2 (years!!) on July 22nd! We were home from Maryland by then. Here she is, the birthday girl! [[image:allie690a.jpg:Hello! It’s my birthday today!:center:0]]  * Mouse over the pictures for captions Another month and more developments! She now has eleven teeth (about […]

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Allie’s 23 Month Birthday

And Allie is now another month older. She was 23 months old last Tuesday, and now is not even a month away from her second birthday! How crazy is that? It feels just like yesterday when Allie was born and now, look at her: [[image:allie668a.jpg:Wearing her trademark barrette:center:0]] * Mouse […]

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Happy Father’s Day! (Backdated)

This is a backdated entry in honor of Father’s Day. I managed to pick out some gifts for Vin (seen below) and Allie and Lily got together and sent Vin an e-card. In keeping with last year’s theme, Allie models Vin’s presents: [[image:allie638a.jpg:Take me out to the ballgame!:center:0]] Vin got […]

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Allie’s 22 Month Birthday

So Allie turned 22 months old on the 22nd (yesterday)! Since it fell on a Saturday and I didn’t have to work, Vin and I had a fun day planned out for the girl. And I apologize way in advance for the sheer number of pictures in this entry. [[image:allie626a.jpg:Hey […]

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Allie’s 21 Month Birthday

Yet another month has passed. Allie turned 21 months old on Earth Day (April 22nd). She had an action-packed day, and we all enjoyed it. [[image:allie580a.jpg:Roarrrrrrr:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions The days just pass by so quickly, that for the most part, Vin and I can barely […]

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I Scream You Scream We All Scream

for Graeter’s Ice Cream!!!! Ever since we really explored a local chain of fabulous ice cream (they made Allie’s birthday cakes last year – mmmmmm) we have totally been converted. Eat your heart out Ben & Jerry’s! Take a hike, Cold Stone Creamery! Graeter’s is the greatest!!! This is my […]

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Makan-makan with Jen

So before Jen and Mike set off for their awesome vacation (one of the legs included dinner with Hisham’s family), we had a warm up makan session at the newly discovered Penang restaurant in Edison, NJ. We ordered so much food that they had to move us from a table […]

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