The Crescent Cliffs

The Cliff In My Mind’s Eye

So after drawing a dozen or so robots and a couple of cyborgs for a freelance client, I thought I’d take a break and draw a quick pencil sketch of this seaside landscape which real estate value would no doubt be way over my head should the location exist. I […]

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Crashed Y-wing

Old Blue Harvest Fanzine Art

When I was studying overseas back in the early 90s… very early 90s… I became acquainted by snail-mail to one Mary Jo Fox who was, with her friend James Addams, the publishers of the Star Wars fanzine Blue Harvest which ran for 21 “episodes”, another fine way of saying “issues”. […]

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Mulder, Scully and buddies

Termite Damaged Paintings

Last few months I had been locked in mortal combat with a termite infestation at home. Last month, the pest control people came and finally they were vanquished. But the damage done was irreparable. Lots of my books and notes had to be thrown out, including a folder filled with […]

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Cover art

The Net.Guide to Spleens

About 2 years ago, I wrote an e-book on a whim along with lots of help from Ryan Lee and Gabriel Johnson. It was called the Net.Guide to Spleens and it can be used with both the D6 and the d20 versions of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. Download it […]

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