A Novel Tale of a Novel Cover

Once upon a time, I went to study on how to repair flying machines. During my dozens of years (not really, just 2 and a half years) of studying there were many instructors that taught me different aspects of flying machine repairs. Some taught me metalwork, some taught me electrics, […]

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The Gallery Is Upgraded

After a long time of uploading images and hard coding the html (and later php) files into the Hishgraphics Gallery, I’ve now deleted the old setup and replaced it with a proper Coppermine Gallery CMS. It took some time to get the hang of the system, but I think I […]

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Two Alien SWAG Requests

It’s been a while since I took some time off to draw requests for SWAG. Here are two new characters: Colonel Toby Aambar, as requested by “donp” and Whistler, as requested by “Velovich”. Toby is an Ortolan not an ortolan, and Whistler is a Tynnan, whose species first appeared in […]

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Kaydra Leeronel

A Donovian Technician on SWAG

Here’s Frobi-wan Kenobi’s request which I did on Star Wars Artists’ Guild, a female tech from the rainy world of Donovia, Kaydra Leeronel. Click here to read the request thread. Click here to see a bigger picture on SWAG. Click here to an even bigger picture on deviantArt. Click here […]

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Three Recent SWAG Requests

[[popup:berdan.jpg:(thumbnail):Berdan Angantire:left:1]][[popup:ryavar_dyarek.jpg:(thumbnail):Ryavar Darek:left:1]][[popup:jacen_fel.jpg:(thumbnail):Jacen Fel:left:1]]Here are three recent Star Wars Artist Guild requests. Each thumbnail is a link to a bigger artwork. From left to right: Berdan Ngajio Angantire is a Mandalorian Death Watchman‘s son, Ryavar Darek is a Togorian Jedi and Jacen Fel is an Imperial Knight from the Legacy […]

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Gungan Slicer, A SWAG Request

[[popup:gunganslicer.jpg:(thumbnail):… with a bad attitude:left:1]]My first official completed SWAG request since this blog went live is done. The artwork was requested by Acheron and he wanted a picture of a Gungan slicer (a Star Wars term for a hacker, is all). So, here’s a purple skinned Gungan like Captain Tarpals, […]

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A Great Old One Rises

[[popup:cthulhu_ascendant.jpg:(thumbnail):Cthulhu Ascendant:left:1]]Up from cold dark R’lyeh, the Great Old One ascends to the surface to greet the weak-willed ones with despair, madness and obedience, and the rebellious stronger-willed ones with slow, painful death. Nothing will stand in Cthulhu’s way in turning the world into his own hellish playground where the […]

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Tacking Into The Wind

Been a while since I fiddled around with Painter Classic, or have an entry in the Artwork category. So off the top of my head I decided to hammer out a galleon. I wonder why a galleon? Did I read or watch something about pirates somewhere? Click here to see […]

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When I grow up I wanna be a superhero

Illustration Friday: Super Hero

It’s been several ice ages since I participated in an Illustration Friday. So, here’s one for this week. Created wholly with the Gimp 2.2 using the handy-dandy Wacom – after I finally figured out how to activate pressure sensitivity of the stylus. Which took me an hour or so. The […]

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