Command line input

A Virtual Eye For OBS

Finally OBS Studio virtual camera works! The Story So Far… I have been using OBS Studio to record classes online. I post these recordings on YouTube so students would be able to review the class. The students would do well to review the lesson delivery, activities they did and instructions […]

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Mint 20 Cinammon

Mint 20 is Here

I noticed that there as a Mint update notification at the system tray yesterday. When I looked it up, it was the upgrade to 64-bit Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon. Its codebase is Ubuntu 20.04 LTS codenamed Focal Fossa. Since this is a Long Term Support system, I decided to upgrade […]

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A new beginning

Newly Minted OS

The Situation Last year some time, I upgraded the Linux Mint on this laptop from 17.0 to 17.3. In the last couple of months, I pushed it higher, upgrading from 17.3 to 18.0 to 18.3. However, this was where I hit a brick wall. I was unable to upgrade further […]

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I'm an online teacher!

Remote Teaching

One thing after another throughout my life, I have needed to familiarise myself with matters that I had never considered before. Because of this excellent plague year, I now teach my course online for the rest of the semester. After a two-week break during a worldwide pandemic quarantine, the university […]

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Irfan and the rollerbot

Irfan’s Jaunt into Robotics

Some time last month I received an email notification of an Introduction to micro:bit Workshop for schoolchildren to be held at the Mechatronic school at the university, and so we enrolled Irfan. It was a full day’s programme. Ain and I decided to save our transport fuel by hanging around […]

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Tokyo Street Night

Desktop of a Street at Night

My latest desktop on this Linux Mint machine is “Tokyo Street Night” by an artist named arsenixc. I love the colours on this piece. It overlays a sense of peace over what could be a bustling street. Click on the image below for the bigger picture pop-up. Click here to […]

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I will eat your eggs before you could eat mine

This Pangolin is Precise

So it came to pass that if I needed to use the new Bamboo Pen graphics tablet, I had to upgrade my operating system. Long story short: I decided on totally replacing my ArtistX 1.0 OS with Ubuntu’s latest Long Term Support distro, which was 12.04 also dubbed “Precise Pangolin”. […]

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I appear to have a new wallpaper for the Artist X 1.0 desktop. Click to expand it. It’s that ship sent by Weyland Industries. S.S. Lollipop or something. Can’t wait for the movie. I’m not saying it’s ALIEN, but it’s ALIEN.

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Calibre Ebook Reader

I have discovered and installed the free ebook reader and management application named Calibre to read books and stuff! Apart from reading ebooks, Calibre can also manage your digital book library, search for ebooks in various locations from the Amazon Kindle store to and synchonize with a mobile reader […]

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Hishgraphics H

Amarok 2.0 Woes… Then a Solution!

A few nights ago, I decided to upgrade the Ubuntu operating system from 8.10 Intrepid Ibex to 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope. (Yeah, yeah. I should be at 10.04 Lucid Lynx right now. I’ll get around to it.) Everything went along swimmingly with the applications I’ve had installed… until I ran Amarok. […]

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Where's the Ojoster Sector?

Ubuntu Miscellanea

Three things come to mind. Flash Problems I’ve been having some problems with browser-embedded flash files. Those of you who notice my reluctance to click on Youtube links during chat will be pleased to know that I’ve gotten Youtube working on this browser, as well as the new Photobucket user […]

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Irfan at KL Tower

Irfan’s NimbleX

I’m currently running a new LiveCD within which resides the Linux operating system called NimbleX, and I’m writing this article with the Konqueror browser nestled deep within the LiveCD. The reason why this article is entitled “Irfan’s NimbleX” is because upon the startup of the OS, a voice says, “Welcome […]

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Blue Underpants Goes On The Dragon

[[popup:nextwave_foom.jpg:(thumbnail)::left:1]]Since the desktop is deader than a doorknob now, I’ve been using the work laptop for both work and leisure internet use. The current desktop background that greets me every time I boot up the computer right now is… Well, just hit the thumbnail to see it. Please take note […]

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