November 2018 Tenth Floor

Goodbye, Tenth Floor

Almost five years ago, there was a final entry from the Tenth Floor. Less than a year thereafter there was a return to the Tenth Floor. Early this month, we finally said goodbye permanently to the Tenth Floor. It was finally bought by a young lady, a professional, who has […]

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New laptop

Local Freelancing is a Pain

When I started out freelancing – illustration freelancing – I had a mix of local and foreign customers. It would not be long before I decided to drop all local customers except one. Local businesses, it seems to me, disregard freelancing work as non-serious work. One works at home at […]

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Sequence of Events

I have a few backlogged blog entries to make, and here is the sequence of events detailing why they were delayed: 1. Thursday January 22, 2009 – Allie’s 6-month birthday. Lots of picture taking occurred. 2. Friday January 23, 2009 – my laptop screen dies in the mid-afternoon. Connecting it […]

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Hishgraphics H

Not Very Uplifting

Here’s another rant I stored somewhere which I rediscovered. Say you’re waiting on the ground floor of a building. You need to get up to the tenth floor. When you arrive at the elevator doors, the cab is currently at the tenth floor. You hit the button and it starts […]

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Lisa's Graph

“I Make Lots of Graphs”

Lisa Simpson once claimed pessimistically in the episode HOMR, “As intelligence increases, happiness decreases”, and made a graph about it. Without going into the intelligence territory for super geniuses like Albert Einstein, Richard Feynmann and Querl Dox, it’s apparent that every human possesses a certain amount of intelligence. As a […]

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But Dopey He Aint, Thankfully

So I arrived at Kuala Lumpur International Airport from Bangalore by way of Chennai (which I was told used to be called Madras, by the way) at around 1540 hours this morning. I was early enough to jama’ qasar my Isha’ with my Maghrib before Subuh began. Tonight while putting […]

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What Kind of Rich are You?

If you’re a rich person (with more than a couple of grand in cash handy at the bank, able to invest in businesses, buy houses and yachts and other assorted rich guy items), which among these three categories of the financially wealthy do you belong to? Getting rich is a […]

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Hishgraphics H

Damage Report

As much as I’m extremely happy there’s roof over our heads (and ten floors plus change beneath us), I am very much zonked out by the accumulating damages in our house for the sole reason that the building was 10 years old when we moved in. It’s a great place […]

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Lesson For The Semester

Yesterday was my semester finals. There are a few good lessons I learnt this semester. 1. I procrastinate til the last moment before I really study, thus activating my panic button right around 6 hours before the exams begin. 2. I should start to study a month before exams. 3. […]

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Cyclops, Shortchanged

Last Tuesday, I finally saw X-Men The Last Stand. But I’m not going to do a full review on the movie itself. The following two paragraph will summarize what I thought about it. Despite the misgivings of having Brett Ratner directing the third X-Men movie, and reports of behind the […]

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