Riding shotgun am I

The Third Driver

Once upon a time, Irfan needed us to carry him around for mobility. Now he has the ability to drive a car. This means there is a third driver in our household which will be very convenient. I like the way he drives. It appears he attempts to be perceptive […]

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Under strict supervision away from traffic

In the Driver’s Seat

Once upon a time, my son could barely reach the light switch. Today, he can drive an automobile. Irfan has been taking driving lessons this month and we let him practise on our car. Evidently, he is a natural driver, and he hardly made any mistakes while he drove. Earlier […]

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Not the Tire Again

It was early in the morning when we sent Irfan to school as usual. I took the following photo of the sky in front of his school upon dropping him there. Click on it to expand. We then took the long way round back to the house. In hindsight we […]

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Needs moar tire iron

The Car Exhausts Me

Usually car problems come not within a month or two of one another. For us. So far. Until now. Friday It was Friday afternoon just before Solat Jumaat when the car engine refused to start. After prayers, with the help of some colleagues, I got a nearby mechanic to see […]

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