Bikers and techs

Patreon: More Enigma Corps

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Khairul Hisham (@hishgraphics) on Oct 28, 2018 at 7:00pm PDT Edward MacGregor has been commissioning more paper miniatures over the months. The paperminis are for his uchronic South East Asian early-20th century setting where Western colonialisation did not occur and […]

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The entire legion is here

Patreon Commission: Enigma Corps Redux

Edward MacGregor has been commissioning more paper miniatures for his FATE setting Enigma Corps. Here are three new batches for characters set in a South East Asian uchronia, where Western colonialisation did not occur and local culture has evolved into a dieselpunk society. They are all now live at my […]

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Batch 1

Patreon Commission: Enigma Corps

In the past two month or so I was commissioned by Edward MacGregor to create several batches of paperminis for his Enigma Corps campaign. Enigma Corps is an uchronic dieselpunk campaign setting set in the early 20th century. The characters I have drawn for the paper miniatures here are from […]

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