Home team at night

First Tarawih of the Plague Year

Ramadhan Mubarak, everyone. Tonight was Ramadhan Eve. We had our first Tarawikh prayers of the year, during a semi-quarantine pandemic-based lockdown. Ramadhan usually brings joy, but with the outbreak everyone feels fear and uncertainty. The authorities have suspended congregational prayers at the masjid to prevent spread of the Covid-19 disease. […]

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Endlessly waltzing

Sandrock Custom A Year Overdue

Irfan was very committed to studying and working hard for his SPM examination last year. He was so committed that he put off building a gunpla that he bought early 2019. Just like that, his passion for gunpla building returned and before too long, he had the XXXG-01SR2 Gundam Sandrock […]

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GM and Ruster

The Expanse RPG: Nine Lives More Or Less

Today was the second time running The Expanse role-playing game with Irfan playing former-Martian Congressional Republic soldier Kazuo Khan, now a police detective on the asteroid 643 Scheherezade also known locally as “Zadi”. Looks like it is becoming a campaign after all… The Expanse 02 Nine Lives More or Less […]

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Waiting on snacks and drinks in town

Two Cousins Doing Stuff

We headed back to Pasir Mas for a wedding the past weekend. Likewise, Anya and family also travelled back from the Klang Valley. With the looming threat of the virus, we decided to attend the wedding early before the bulk of the guests arrived. Also, we ate the food away […]

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Riding shotgun am I

The Third Driver

Once upon a time, Irfan needed us to carry him around for mobility. Now he has the ability to drive a car. This means there is a third driver in our household which will be very convenient. I like the way he drives. It appears he attempts to be perceptive […]

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The Expanse Title Card

The Expanse: Scheherezade Tales

I ran The Expanse RPG for the first time last night. It was a solo session with Irfan playing the ex-soldier Kazuo Khan, based on the pre-generated PC Casey Khatri. Let’s get right down to it… The Expanse Scheherezade Tales The asteroid was once known as 643 Scheherezade discovered in […]

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Under strict supervision away from traffic

In the Driver’s Seat

Once upon a time, my son could barely reach the light switch. Today, he can drive an automobile. Irfan has been taking driving lessons this month and we let him practise on our car. Evidently, he is a natural driver, and he hardly made any mistakes while he drove. Earlier […]

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Two families

Dinner by the River

It was near lunch time when I received a message from my schoolmate Sam. He was in town on assignment and he brought his family with him. It had been a while since we saw each other, so we made dinner plans. Well, actually, he made dinner plans as I […]

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The electric candles are kind of adorable

19th Anniversary Dinner

It has been 19 years since Ain and I were wed. Unlike last year when we had to go see a doctor during our anniversary, this year was fairly uneventful. However, it was the first time we celebrated our anniversary at a Middle Eastern restaurant. I had always wanted to […]

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All done

The Parliament of Dreams

Once upon a time, I sent Irfan to school for the first time. It was more than a decade ago and hundreds of kilometres away from here. He had had two years of kindergarten experience beforehand. How trivial that day seem to be now. He is now a young man […]

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