Though he liked the land more, it seemed

Irfan Breaks Teluk Batik Surf

Tuesday morning Tok Irfan took us all to Teluk Batik, my old beach stomping ground, for a picnic. Naturally like all my old stomping grounds it doesn’t look a bit like what it used to when the old crew combed the beach for nothing in particular, swimming among the jellyfish […]

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The training wheels should come off soon

A Snappy New Year To All

Another Gregorian year is over. There were numerous message replies to it over text messaging, such as the fairly regular “Yep! Happy New Year!” to “I propose a moratorium on New Years for another 50 years”, and the reply to my paraphrasing Agnes Skinner‘s “My bones are half dust” over […]

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Hishgraphics H

Another Hari Raya, Another OS

Last Aidilfitri two months ago, I was trying to install Ubuntu into the Kelantan desktop belonging to Ain’s parents. Although the installation was a success I didn’t get very far with it since I couldn’t access the internet with it to download and install more software packages with it. (Translation: […]

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Hishgraphics H

Quaked by Internet Problems

Now it seems that we’re unable to connect to servers in the United States and Europe. I can’t even access my work email. I couldn’t even access this weblog since this morning until about 1342 hours local time. And I hope before the connection flips out again, I’d get this […]

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Ultra Magnus' brother

Primed for Empire Magazine Cover

Oh my! Another Transformers entry so soon. I think I should have a “Transformers” category in this here weblog. Yes? No? Maybe? On the cover of Empire magazine…. is Optimus Prime. The image was eventually found – while I was link-hopping on the net – at Don Murphy’s message board. […]

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Walking, Talking and Punching Bots

As of last night, the new Transformers trailer went online. This is not the fleeting 2 microsecond glimpse of a silhouette smashing the Mars Rover teaser bit which I caught in the theatre just before Garfield: Tale of Two Kitties. (Yeah, I watched Garfield. Shut up in the back there.) […]

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Squirrel squirreling away nuts

Rabies anybody?

While Abah and Mak were visiting with us last year, Abah took an avid interest in the wildlife around here. Here’s a squirrel eating from the container of seeds Vin puts out for the squirrels and the birds. I hope it doesn’t have rabies. 😀

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What Kind of Rich are You?

If you’re a rich person (with more than a couple of grand in cash handy at the bank, able to invest in businesses, buy houses and yachts and other assorted rich guy items), which among these three categories of the financially wealthy do you belong to? Getting rich is a […]

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Is this TIE upside down

Best Office Space Ever

So after the exam today I headed down to 1 Utama with the new laptop. Using the mall’s WLAN I was on the internet browser connected to the office via Skype in seconds, replying emails, as well as checking up on the work forum. I also took the picture above […]

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