Torchwood Is An Anagram, See?

Some TV stuff: [[image:captjack.jpg:Captain Jack is looking for a sex-addicted gas alien:center:0]]I’ve seen the pilot of BBC’s new Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood and I like it so far. The production design is leaps and bounds better and a far cry from the time Tom Baker was the good doctor. It […]

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sudo apt-get install linux joke

Before the Deepavali-Aidilfitri vacation I had zero experience working with a Linux machine. Some time fiddling about with Ubuntu in Pasir Mas changed that. (Not by much, but some.) I wouldn’t have understood this joke before three weeks ago, so don’t feel bad if you don’t get it. When I […]

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A Tag! A Meme! A Meme Tag!

Diamond Lil tagged us with a meme about blogging it would so we have to oblige some answers to a set of questions. 1. Are you happy/satisfied with your blog, with its content and look? Does your family know about your blog? I am somewhat happy with my blog, but […]

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He Had A Sword

[[image:hirosword.jpg:Meanwhile back in Las Vegas:center:0]] Actor Masi Oka, who plays Hiro Nakamura (the character of the new NBC series Heroes) is one lucky guy. Not only does he play the only character on the show reacting positively to his superpowers (with the abilities to freeze time and time travel), but […]

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Starfleet Officers

From Thirteen Years Ago

Sometimes rummaging through your old stuff that you haven’t touched for years can surprise you in a good way. Yesterday, upon cleaning house I stumbled across three artwork of mine which I made back in 1993, several thousand years before my first foray into the digital medium. Click on the […]

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In a galaxy far, far away… Part I

After Yope, Yong, Emma, Irfan, Wan Ngah and Aji sent Abah and Mak to KLIA, they embarked on a long, arduous journey where finally they landed in the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Airport. Unfortunately, they arrived on a rainy night and due to traffic issues in the rain, Vin and I did […]

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OK, so I didn’t actually go see the musical Hair while I was in New York City on Saturday, but here’s some news on hair: I cut mine!! Here’s a picture of me from this past May, where you can see how long my hair is. [[image:eur146.jpg:John and Jane Catchpole, […]

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Irfan at Centrepoint

Centrepoint Bandar Utama, that is. While waiting for his mother to finish work, Irfan took the time doing his usual thing, running about amongst the greenery and going up and down the escalators. I thought I’d put the camera phone to good use. One thing I’ll say for Centrepoint’s garden […]

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The Sixth Year

It’s been six years since Ain & I were married. More than 10 years since we first met. Overall it’s been a great six years. It wasn’t a perfect six years. It’s been one hell of a rollercoaster for this and that reasons. But I’m still in love with her […]

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Meanwhile on Taris…

[[image:zayne01.jpg:Zayne Carrick:left:0]]I’ve never played Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) computer game before, where I’ve read Taris was first featured. However, when I heard Dark Horse Comics would be producing the Knights of the Old Republic series on four-colour print, I was dubious. Reading through the first story arc of […]

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I don’t know what it is about Ramadan, but fasting makes me think about food. My last entry was about bread. What goes well with bread? Soups, of course! Toast up a little bread and dip it in hot soup, like little croutons. Mm mmm. Some soups even begin with […]

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