Flame-rumped kido

The Kido Watcher’s Guide to Bavva

Dice For Brains is an amazing Star Wars RPG actual play podcast, gamemastered by Ross Rockafellow using Fantasy Flight Games’ Force and Destiny rules. What makes the podcast stand out from other actual play podcasts is threefold: it is recorded well, crisp and clear voices of the players with hardly any […]

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The town crier

Nia Takes Leave

Nia spent several days with us. Her sense of fun and humour kept us amused for the whole time.   She played with Ain. She watched movies (well, just the one, mostly) with Irfan. Soon it was time for the Seri Kembangan crew to leave. Ayah Cik Farid, Cik Ma, […]

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So happy I got booped!

Nia and the Beach Cats

We went for an early dinner at Kuala Perlis with Ayah Cik, Cik Ma, Cik Su and young Nia Nia. The restaurant was by the promenade, right by the sea. Irfan knew exactly what would float Nia’s boat: Cats. So he introduced her to a stray cat by the beach. […]

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Mini Six: A Day By The Sea

Mini Six: A Day By The Sea

Mini Six: Doom Agents 01 A Day by the Sea For the third time I ran a tabletop RPG session for my class using the Mini Six system, and this time I have integrated it with the English curriculum we had. The week’s lesson theme was Natural Disaster and I also […]

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Irfan and the rollerbot

Irfan’s Jaunt into Robotics

Some time last month I received an email notification of an Introduction to micro:bit Workshop for schoolchildren to be held at the Mechatronic school at the university, and so we enrolled Irfan. It was a full day’s programme. Ain and I decided to save our transport fuel by hanging around […]

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When I grow up I want to be Iapetus

A Sad Raya Haji in Sitiawan

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha from the whole lot of us in Sitiawan… …or something. It was Eid and it was Sitiawan’s turn this year. The trip to Sitiawan was not stressful for traffic was more than manageable. After nearly three years, I am still getting used to raya traffic […]

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Screen capture

The Star Wars Show Fan Art

The Star Wars Show crew asked for some fan art of the Star Wars Show from the Twittersphere, so being a Twitterspheroid (or a spheroid of some sort) I thought I would oblige them. So here we have Andi Gutierrez in an Imperial gunner costume, Anthony Carboni in some smuggler’s […]

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Irfan loves the Westward dice

SWD6: Out of the Red

Time is the Hunter Episode 06: Out of the Red Continuing the adventure I ran for Ain and Irfan last December… Bounty hunter Jax Hunt and amnesiac lady who called herself Iris Helena were waiting in the Corellian Engineering Corporation VCX-100 light freighter assigned to them, the Screeching Arrow, by […]

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The gang's all here

Patreon: Troops on the Ground

The latest Patreon paper miniatures were released hours before August arrived, but I forgot to feature them here on the blog. So here are the Troops on the Ground series of modern soldiers for any modern role-playing games that require soldiers as player or non-player characters. Easily used with games […]

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Emergency Department

A Nasal Epilogue

After last week’s surgery, I had splint and padding up my nose to hold things together as the parts within healed. The doctors gave me little bottles of saline solution and a syringe to douche my nasal cavity to cleanse it of blood, snot and other assorted blood-covered snot. On […]

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Porg Dameron

Porg Dameron

What if Poe Dameron was a porg? What if he still had his helmet and Glie-44 blaster pistol? What then? What then? I drew the above a couple of days ago, posted on Twitter and Facebook. It was even featured on Star Wars Reporter!

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These are pretty nice sammiches

New Sandwich Place

I have been wanting to visit this new sandwich place in town. We finally got extra cash for the week so we went for some sandwiches. However to save money, we only bought two – takeaway – and no drinks. The restaurant was cozy and had a nice ambience, found […]

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Insulin time

Suddenly, The Emergency Room

… but upon my return home from my three-day hospital stay, I discovered that Opah Irfan had a high fever and could not sit up. She was extremely weak from illness. So, we took her to the Klinik Kesihatan downtown before it closed, leaving Irfan alone at home to do […]

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Hey a faucet on back of my hand

Finally, A Surgery

Atok and Opah Irfan came to visit last Saturday for a medical reason. The photo of them above along with Irfan was taken the day they left for Sitiawan on the 12th. Several days earlier, on Monday the 7th, I was hospitalised and surgery was scheduled for the next day. […]

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This is a horror scenario really


The Imperial Talker (Updated: 22nd Jan 2020 – Twitter account no longer exists) tweeted about a dream he had involving popcorn. I chimed in and… things escalated. Who knows, maybe we will discover in December that this IS an actual scene with Chewbacca and the porgs in Star Wars The Last […]

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