Irfan drinks everyone's drink but his

Intersections in Real Time

The counter ticks up for Ain every year on January 22nd, which makes this the thirteenth year I’ve been around her to hear the counter tick. This year also marks first year Irfan contributed to his mother’s birthday card. We, including Cik Ma and Cik Su, travelled to The Mines […]

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On the floor

And Now For A Word

We interrupt your regularly unscheduled pogrom (you know the one I’m talking about) to bring you the latest news. It’s more of a picture of where I’m working, rather than the news. It’s a photo of where I’m currently working from… at this moment… while monitoring stuff. Now that’s roughing […]

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Working on the first school homework

Moments of Transitions

In anticipation of Irfan’s schooling days, we bought a new desk for him, which came by pretty cheap at Carrefour. After hauling the furniture, allowing it to percolate for 2 days before assembling it last weekend, Irfan finally had a Homework Desk. However, he didn’t seem too interested about it… […]

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The Geometry of Shadows

The Long, Twilight Struggle

With preschool ending last year, it’s now time for Irfan to experience actual public school education, warts and all. Waking up earlier than he is wont to, Irfan took a bath, suited up and had some breakfast to eat, namely some freshly fried noodles. The previous night he tried togo […]

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Irfan wades across the stream seconds before he falls butt first into the water

Ye Olde Good Widow Village

Breathing a little mountain air is said to do one good. So we decided to saddle up and head uphill… so we can inhale lots and lots of mountain air. 4,000 or 6,000 cm³ per inhalation, I should hope. Soon after, we found ourselves at the little mountain village of […]

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Allie’s 5 Month Birthday

Yet another month has passed! On Monday, Allie was five months old. She is growing into her own little person, smiling and reaching out for a favorite toy, and able to spend more and more time amusing herself. She has a bedtime and a daily routine. She listens to short […]

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An Array of Questions Concerning Youth

Is this young Remy LeBeau, the Ragin’ Cajun? [[image:weaponx01.jpg:Gambit:center:0]] Is this a young Victor Creed? [[image:weaponx02.jpg:Sabretooth:center:0]] Is this a young Fred Dukes? [[image:weaponx03.jpg:Blob:center:0]] Is this a young pre-cancer scarred Wade Wilson? [[image:weaponx04.jpg:Deadpool:center:0]] Is this a teenaged diamond-skinned Emma Frost? [[image:weaponx05.jpg:White Queen:center:0]] Is this a very young Ororo Munroe? [[image:weaponx06.jpg:Storm:center:0]] and […]

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December Musings

Here we are, December again. There was snow on the ground last week, and it has since melted. However, as I write this entry, it has begun to snow again. Winter has arrived, even though it is not yet December 21st. This bums me out majorly… 🙁 The difference this […]

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Diedrich Bader Takes Over The Cowl

There is a new Batman animated series in town, and since I’m still not back from lunch and I agree with every word written by Shane about it, I’ll just hand over the microphone to him: [[image:braveandthebold01.jpg:Ollie and Bruce:right:0]]Sherman, set the wayback machine to circa 1985, and a 4 year […]

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Allie’s 4 Month Birthday

And just like that, another month has gone by. Alya turned 4 months old yesterday. It seems so unreal that she is now 4 months old, and able to do more and more, and becoming her own little person. She now squeals and babbles regularly, sometimes going into the only-dogs-can-hear-her […]

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Hair! The Sequel

So, I finally did it! a) I got a haircut b) I left Allie at home with Vin for the first time. Oh my. It was more than a little nerve-wracking. Vin had expressed milk in the fridge, and a baby in a good mood. I was showered and dressed […]

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And the Kitkat ups the Ante – I

It seems like since Allie was born, Lily has seriously upped her own CQ, as if to compete with Allie? Check it out: [[image:lily25.jpg:Usurping the gymini:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions [[image:lily26.jpg:Resting on the stairs:center:0]] [[image:lily27.jpg:Washing a paw:center:0]] [[image:lily28.jpg:Bengkok sini (bend this way):center:0]] [[image:lily29.jpg:Bengkok sana (bend that way):center:0]] […]

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