Irfan with Ascension cards

Ascension: Chronicles of the Balik Kampung

So, just before Eid, Ivan came around and gave us another gaming gift. This time it’s the deck-building card game Ascension: Chronicles of the Godslayer by Gary Games. We brought it back with us to Sitiawan for some gaming. Extradimensional demonic monsters are passing through interdimensional barriers into the world […]

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49 Months

And so, another month has passed. Time does not march on, it flies faster than a speeding bullet. Four years and a month old. The darling of our lives, la reina del punto azul, the director of our plays and part-time adorable tot, part-time berserker dictator. [[image:2012-yaya49month-02.jpg:Arrrr mateys!:center:0]] * Mouse […]

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The Renstroms appear onscreen

Salam Aidilfitri from Sitiawan

This year we spent Eid-ul-Fitr in Sitiawan. Here’s a photo of everyone during Eid morning. Then later that night, we had guests over the internet in the form of the Renstroms. Yaya and Adik also joined the fun. Adik wanted to crawl through the computer screen to join us, but […]

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Salam Aidilfitri from Ohio

Eid Mubarak and Selamat Hari Raya, maaf zahir dan batin from us all! [[image:2012_eid_yayaadik03.jpg:Siblings’ first raya together:center:0]] [[image:2012_eid_yayaadik04.jpg:Hey, what happened to my feet?:center:0]] [[image:2012_eid_yayaadik02.jpg:Singing Raya songs or asking for duit raya?:center:0]] [[image:2012_eid_yayaadik05.jpg:Love Kak Yaya:center:0]] [[image:2012_eid_yayaadik01.jpg:Eid Mubarak y’alls!:center:0]] Missing all the family and friends in Malaysia. Also the ketupat and rendang. […]

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Rafe’s 7 Month Birthday

And so the boy is 7 months old (and a bit, but thank god for backdated entries, right?) 😉 [[image:2012_0729_rafe07.jpg:Flanked by his sister’s cats Purrsley and Duchess:center:0]] *Mouse over pictures for captions Unbelievably, another month has flown by and Adik is growing and developing so quickly. Last month’s rolling and […]

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48 Months (a.k.a. Fourth Birthday)

The big day arrived! Yaya is four years old, officially! Unbelievable! [[image:2012-yaya48month-02.jpg:Princess Fairy Yaya waves her wand:center:0]] It feels like Yaya cannot possibly already be four. Didn’t we just bring her home from the hospital last month? I guess time flies when you’re having fun. 🙂 * Mouse over the […]

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Rafe’s 6 Month Birthday

It is Adik’s half birthday! Yaya says, “But he’s still zero!!” While he’s not one yet, he’s already 1/2 year old, but apparently we haven’t taught Yaya fractions. 🙂 [[image:2012_0629_rafe16.jpg:Bubblicious drooly boy:center:0]] Can you believe six months have gone by, because I certainly can’t! There is going to be a […]

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47 Months

One more month till the big birthday!! Can you believe it? We certainly cannot! [[image:2012-yaya47month-04.jpg:Princess Yaya is almost 4:center:0]] We had another activity filled month – the 5 days Zarin was here were quite busy (more on that later). I know, I still owe entries on Jo’s visit, but I’ll […]

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Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day!! We tried to make it a good one for Vin, his first Father’s Day as the father of multiple children. First off let’s start with home-made cards: [[image:2012-fathersday07.jpg:Hearts from Yaya, People from Adik:center:0]] Mama helped by manning the sharp scissors to cut the string paper dolls out. […]

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Abang Ngah and Kak Ngah

Abang Ngah’s Wedding

Six years ago we attended Abang Long’s wedding kenduri at Kampung Permatang during a balik kampung trip back to Sitiawan. It was now time for his younger brother Abang Ngah’s wedding, though technically the aqad was performed in Ipoh the previous weekend. As always it was great to see relatives […]

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Rafe’s 5 Month Birthday

Adik is five months old! Almost to the half-year mark! Where does the time go? [[image:2012_0529_rafe02.jpg:Good morning smiley boy!:center:0]] * Mouse over the pictures for captions So May was an action-packed month, as we mentioned in Yaya’s last entry. We did some traveling while the kids’ Auntie Jo was here. […]

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